Chapter Ten | Past Pain Present Confusion |

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The group was back in the cave for another Dead Poets Society meeting. They were all trying out smoking from a pipe.

Pitts lights the pipe and tries breathing in, resulting in him having a coughing fit and Kara patting his back.

Charlie cackles while lighting up his own pipe, "that a boy pittsie, inhale deeply."

"My dad collects pipes, he must have thirty." Cameron adds in while taking a puff of his own pipe.

"Your parents collect pipes? Oh that's really interesting," Pitts mocks him, gaining laughs from everyone else in the group.

Charlie looks over past Elle noticing Knox just sitting there not trying his pipe. "Come on Knox, join in," he encourages him.

"What's wrong?" Cameron dumbly questions him which results in everyone chiming in with a teasing 'Chris'.

"Neil!" Elle cheers, seeing as he finally shows up to their meeting, late.

"Friends, scholars, Welton students." He greets them, entering the cave with a burnt lamp. Elle raised her eyebrow in question.

"What is that Neil?" Meeks asked him, also puzzled with why he brought in the lamp.

"Duh, it's a lamp, Meeks," Pitts mocks him.

"No, this is the god of the cave," Neil pulls off the lamp cover revealing a statue of a man. Elle snorts before letting out a yelp at the sound of a horn.

Everyone turns to see Charlie playing a saxophone.

"Fucking shit Charlie!" Elle exclaims putting a hand on her chest. Sadly she was sitting right beside him when he started playing it, she was pretty sure he blew out her ear drum.

"What do you say we start this meeting?" Charlie queried, patting Elles leg in apology. She nudges him with her shoulder, and he quickly wraps his arm around her.

Charlie then stands in the center of the cave around everybody. "Gentlemen, ladies. Poetrusic by Charles Dalton."

He starts playing his saxophone poorly, everyone complains and Elle covers her ears, cringing.

"Laughing, crying, tumbling, mumbling. Gotta do more, gotta be more." He recites before once again badly playing the saxophone. He directs it right at Pitts' face, who immediately leans back.

"Chaos screaming, chaos dreaming. Gotta do more, gotta be more!" He preached. He started playing the saxophone, but this time a nice tune came out.

Elle watches on with a big goofy grin as he continues to play beautifully. Kara pokes her, looking at her teasingly. She immediately dropped her grin, becoming aware of her actions.

She refused to start falling for Charlie Dalton, not after last time. Just because he was nice again and flirted with her didn't mean he changed. For all she knew he was still the jerk who hurt her.

She frowned, sitting still as he still went on with the saxophone. Neil sighed, noticing her sudden mood change.

He was sure he was going to have to inform Charlie that just because she forgave him, things wouldn't go back to how they were before.

Kara wasn't stupid, far from it. She was extremely intelligent. Plus it didn't take a genius to notice the tension between Charlie and Elle. She was slightly concerned for her friend. One moment she thought it was obvious they had feelings for each other, the next it seemed she couldn't stand him.

Charlie finally finishes and they all clap for him. He gives Knox a head pat seeing as he still hasn't cheered up.

"Where did you learn to play like that?" Neil wondered.

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