Chapter Twelve | Nuwanda |

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The group was in a cave for another Dead Poets Society meeting, the only ones missing were Knox and Charlie. Knox was out to the party Chris invited him to, but no one knew where Charlie had disappeared too.

Ever since the night when Charlie apologized for what he said to Elle the two had gotten closer. She had finally let go of the past, allowing their relationship to mend. Due to her fully forgiving him the flirting and touching had been amped up.

Kara constantly teased Elle about it, but she didn't really mind. Elle could confidently admit to herself and Kara that she had once again fell for Charlie Dalton.

Charlie on the other hand had never fully gotten over Elle, so there was no reason to fall for her all over again. In fact he only fell harder. He'd be lying if he didn't admit this scared him a little bit. After all, the last time they got to this stage everything went wrong. Because of his fears Charlie got reckless, which led to his next mistake.

The remainder of the group that bothered to show up to the meeting were reciting the opening message, only to be interrupted by what sounded like Charlie giggling.

"My god," Cameron muttered. They all looked to the entrance of the cave confused to see two girls stumbling into the cave.

"Is this it?" One of the unknown girl asked, not seeming to mind the odd looks she was receiving.

"Yeah this is it, go on in it's my cave." Charlie told them, guiding them fully into the cave area where the group was sitting.

Elle felt her heart drop into her stomach watching how Charlie was acting with the girls. Quickly catching on, Kara wrapped her arm around her in comfort, practically glaring holes into Charlie's face not that he noticed.

"Hi guys, meet Gloria and-" he pauses pointing at the other girl not remembering her name. Elle wasn't able to hold back a scoff at this.

"Tina." The poor girl had to answer for him.

The group had now all stood up. "This is the pledge class of the Dead Poets Society." He introduced, gesturing at them all.

He pauses noticing how upset Elle seemed and the dirty look Kara was giving him.

He started to push them all to the side, guiding the girls to a spot to sit insisting they were to continue with the meeting.

Charlie attempted to sit beside Elle and wrap his arm around her, but she was quick to shove him off and ask Meeks to switch spots with her which he gladly does. He frowns at her slightly and she clenches her fists.

He decides to continue on, "Everyone, I have an announcement to make. In keeping with the spirit of passionate experimentation of the Dead Poets, I'm giving up the name Charles Dalton. From now on, call me Nuwanda."

The group all laughs at him, Elle simply rolls her eyes already done with this night. She really felt dumb now, she knew forgiving Charlie would come back to bite her like bad karma.

"We gonna have a meeting or what?" he queried, taking a puff from his cigarette.

"Yeah, if you guys don't have a meeting how do we know if we wanna join?" Gloria questioned.

"Join?!" Neil was just as baffled and enraged as Elle was.

He sent her a sympathetic look while she just stared quietly at her lap.

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate." Charlie flirts with Gloria leaning over her.

"That's so sweet," she smiles brightly at him.

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