Chapter 2 :: The Party

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The party was amazing, it was on a completely different level to the ones back at the pack. The parties there were huge, unforgettable and epic but honestly, they were nothing compared to a frat party. There were juice kegs everywhere and people were making out left, right and centre. I could see the people who were addicted to weed in the corner and people were practically humping each other.

I looked around the room when I suddenly heard the voice of Kristina shouting my name. I turned and then I felt myself being hit by a huge force. My face was then suddenly submerged in the water. I quickly came up from the surface gasping for breath repetitively turning to get some air to my lungs. When my eyes were finally clear and I could see, I noticed an extremely fit guy in the pool next to me.

"Are you okay?" His voice was deep and firm and I found myself staring. "I'm sorry." He told me. "My friend over there pushed me and you were in the way so sorry."

"It's fine. I'm fine." I waved it off.

"I didn't hurt you or anything, did I? I feel a bit bad." He told me honestly with a look of worry on his face.

"I'm fine." I told him rather coldly as I realized the situation that I was in, I was still in the pool and completely wet.

I now realized that I didn't care how good looking the guy was, I was freezing and with the mascara and smoky eye that I had on earlier, probably made me look like I have a raccoon eye. Kristina handed me a hand and pulled me out of the pool.

"Look, I get that you are pissed at me but at least let me get you a towel or at least get you dried up." He told me while getting out of the pool. By now, there was a huge crowd crowding round us. Why? Just seconds ago they were humping each other.

"I'm just going to go but thanks arsehole!" I called to him turning around but before I could turn, I felt a pressure on my arm. It was a familiar feeling, just like how Brandon held it that night.

"Look, your knee is bleeding." He over-exaggerates. "Come on, lets get you a plaster at least."

"If I say no, you won't take it for an answer, will you?" I asked him and he shook his head and I could tell that he was persistent. "Okay." I told him deafeningly.

Make sure he is not going this to get into your pants, you know what they're like.

I heard the voice of my wolf pounding round my mind and I nodded unconsciously as if she could sense that my head was moving.

The guy, who has yet to be named, lead me towards the marble and concrete house. We went up the long stairs and into one of their huge bathrooms.

"Let me just get a towel." He rushed out and I seated myself onto the closed toilet seat. He soon came back with a towel and some tissues. He threw the towel at me and I caught it with my hand and started to pat it on my knee to pat off the blood. "Here's my shirt." He threw it at my face.

"Why are you being so nice?" I asked him and he tilted his head slightly. "You do seem like a good looking guy but, no offense, you seem like the arrogant type."

"Um, thanks... I think." He chuckled a deep chuckle which seemed oddly, genuine. "It was my fault that my idiotic friend pushed me." I stared at him confused. "I pissed him off and thanks for the compliment." He smirked.

"Um." I quickly buried my small face into my equally as small hands.

"It's okay, I am only joking so what's your type? Tall? Dark? Handsome?" He raised my eyebrows up and down and I shook my head in my hands.

"Oh just stop." I honestly told him then lifted my head. "Maybe." I winked with a laugh.

"I'm Cone." He introduced.

"Waters?" That is the guy that Kristina told me about.

"Yeah, you heard of me?" He questioned.

"Yeah, you have one reputation."

"All good I hope." He smiled.

"I guess." I shrugged. "I'm Max. Max Black." I told him.

"Nice to meet you Max." He said to me.

"So who was your friend?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"Brandon, my best friend... he was." He told me.

Brandon, did he just say Brandon? It couldn't be. Brandon would never go to college, he would rather say at home and party with them. He hated education. But, there are loads of Brandon's in the world, I am just getting paranoid.

"Um Max." He started to wave his hands in front of my face. "You've gone a bit pale."

"I'm fine." I told him. "You know what, I am just going to go now but I'll see you around."

"Wait, let me get you a bandage." That is extreme. Anyway, I realized that it had already healed. He can't see that. I can't let him see.

"No, no. Really, it's fine." I told him. "Thanks anyway."

I quickly got up and ran past everyone, getting lost in the crowd. Soon, I found myself in the middle of the road. I inhaled a crisp, sharp piece of air and thanked God that Cone gave me his shirt. I was still freezing. I decided that I was going to home and sleep for a bit. It is well-needed.

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