Chapter 8 :: the hug

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It had been a week since I found out about cone and jakes parents. cone had obviously woken up but Brandon told me he was to embarrassed to see me. Jake found out a few days ago and he wasn't in for his shift yesterday. Things weren't looking up . I still had no idea how to fix the rogue situation at home . and kristina was still mad at me.

Once class had finished I made my way to the library. I had to do some studying for an upcoming exam. I tried opening some text books to take notes but I really couldn't think straight. I had a million and one things going through my mind. I needed a drink . suddenly my phone rang.

"Max" it was charlotte .
"Hi charlotte "
"Wow moody pants Iam here well Iam in your room where are you " she said laughing .
Charlotte was here. thank god. I was having a pretty shit week. and knowing charlotte she was probably here to cheer me up. Thank god I had charlotte as my bestfriend.
"Um Iam in the library I'll leave and come over straight away."
"Ok hurry bitch" and with that she ended.

Once I was out of the library I decided to quickly nip into Cup O' Joe's. When I opened the door I was greeted by the familiar smell of coffee. Brandon had a shift today so I decided I would ask about cone .

"Well if it isn't maxie " he said with a smirk playing on his face.
"Brandon" I nodded .
"So what will it be ."
"One ice chocolate and and cappuccino with cream"
"Whose the coffee for Iam curious"

Or jealous my wolf spat out .

"My new boyfriend"
Suddenly his face dropped . his reaction was priceless . I couldn't hold in my laughter any more.
"Brandon Iam joking" I said in between laughs .
"Alright it's not funny" he said pouting .
"If you must know your bestfriend charlotte is here."
"Suddenly his eyes widend.
"Shit i better go hide" he shouted while ducking under the counter.
"Brandon get up" we were both hysterically laughing. this was like the good old days . before everything happened .
"Fine fine ill start making your drinks."

"So you comeing to the party tonight " he asked
"Yeah probably"

While he was making them I decided to ask about cone.

"So um how's cone" curiosity was playing on my lips.
"He hasent come out of his room his really embarrassed but you know all that already"
"What about jake"
"Well he's taking the whole situation a lot better then cone."
"Brandon we need to find out who is behind this."
"Our we enjoy ourselves in college and let the pack deal with it. I mean what can we do an hour away ."
"I guess your right I just feel bad"
"So do I. Well here's your drinks I made sure charlottes had extra cream. "
He winked at me and went to attend the frustrated customer behind me.

As soon as I was outside I felt the cool breeze whip through my hair . great it was freezing and by the colour of the clouds it looked like it was going to rain any minute now. quickly I hurried back to my sorority.

Once I had gotten back I ran straight to my room. I was about to open my door when charlotte beat me to it.
"max" she squealed pulling me into a tight bear hug .
"Wow watch the drinks"
"Oh how nice of you max" she quickly grabbed the cappuccino and went back into my room .

"So max how long has it been since we were last together in the flesh."
"Like 3 months"
"That's to long" we both hugged and jumped up and down like we were both in high school again.
"So how is the rogue situation"
"Max it's fine trust me. lets not talk about that, so you hooked up with any cute guys"
"Nope" suddenly her whole face went into shock. her eyes were almost out of her eyesockets.
"Max what the fuck you haven't had sex in 3 months "
"Charlotte" I shouted punching her in the arm
"Iam sorry max but your in college for pete sake" she was shaking her head.
"Please tell me there's a party"
"Yeah there is actually at Brandon's soriety"
"Shhh you may not say his name anyway it is going to me my mission to get you laid. starting with your outfit I brought my white dress with me you know the get laid dress ."
"No way am I wearing that." charlottes get laid dress was really tight and I didn't think I could pull it off
"Nope your wearing it"
When charlotte set her mind to something you couldn't stop her.

A few hours later Charlotte and I had finished. she made me pair the dress with silver platform heels. great looks like I would come home in pain. charlotte was wearing a lbd dress. She put her hair in a messy bun and I left my hair down. we both kept minimal makeup on.
"let's go".

Once we got inside charlotte was already flirting like nobody business. so much for being my wing women. Il just go and find the drinks and leave her to flirt.
I found the drink table and went for a Jell-O shot. before I could I spotted cone. he was sitting down on the couch on his phone. he didn't look good. he looked tired. his usually styled her was messy and he hadn't shaved.
I had to talk to him. he couldn't avoid me forever.

Suddenly he froze . Did he really not want to see me.

"Max look iam so sorry I can't believe what I did. I will never able to forgive myself. Iam so ashamed for what I've done. I understand if you never want to talk to me again." he buried his hands into his face

"Hey" I quickly sat next to him and put my arm around him. I knew he was sorry. but he didn't need to deal with this. his parents had just died .
"Cone look at me"
He lifted his head and I saw his eyes were still a dull grey.
"It's fine I forgive you ok"
"Really thank you so much max" he instantly hugged me and this time his hug was warm. I rested my head in the crook of his neck. he rubbed my back softly. this felt nice. I finally had cole back. We stayed like this for what seemed like forever.

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