Chapter 5 :: The Job

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*** EDITED by @OfficiallyAmused ***

It was finally the weekend and I had survived my first week of this year. The lectures this week were actually not that bad. They were completely fine, boring but completely fine. I didn't fall asleep so that's an advantage!

After the incident with Brandon, I hadn't seen him. I was actually quite surprised if I am honest. Even when I went over to hang with Cone, I never saw him. It's like he has fell off the face of the earth! He just disappeared. Which I wanted all along, right?

I decided, quite quickly, that I need to find a job on campus quick because money had to come in somehow and at the moment, I am running short. I jump needed enough for food and clothes and everything like that since the living costs are already paid for.

While I aimlessly walked around the campus, I spotted the cafe that I had gone to on my second day here along with Cone. He had taken me there for breakfast. I started to look around the shop to see if they were hiring staff but there was no signs asking. Maybe I could just go in and ask.

I pushed the glass door open and was shortly greeted with the warmth of heaters that were placed around the cafe. There were a lot of students around tables with food and coffee while studying. Suddenly I was greeted by a guy that I hadn't seen before in my life.

"Hey!" His voice was quite perky. "Welcome to Cup O' Joe's, what can I get you?" He asked me while smiling widely at me.

"Um, actually, I was wondering whether you had an opening?" I asked him. "I'm looking for a job." I admitted to him with a tint of nervousness in my voice which I was trying to diminish while I talked.

"Actually, a girl named Sophie quit last week so yeah, we actually do have an opening spot." He told me and I mentally cheered in my head. "Come round the back and I'll get you a uniform. What's your name?"

"Max Black." I told him and he nodded.

"I'm Jake, the manager." He introduced. "I will get one of my staff members to train you. Follow me."

"Um, thanks!" I told him gratefully.

We both walked round the back and he handed me one of the uniforms. I saw that there wasn't a name tag and looked up at him.

"They take time to come in but we will order your one as soon as possible." He told me, his voice still perky and I smiled at him widely. "Hey! I've seen you around." He said to me and I turned around to look at him. "With Cone." I nodded awkwardly. "I've seen you around him a lot, it's kind of weird because I've never seen him around a friend who's a girl so I guess that's good." Why the heck did he care? I gave him a confused look. "Oh, I'm Cone's twin." He told me simply. That is when I noticed a slight resemblance between the two. "Non-identical, of course."

"Cone never mentioned a brother." I told him.

"He probably really likes you then." He chuckled and I tilted my head in confusion. "You see, Cone and I are really competitive so I guess he didn't want me to get in the way." His face was serious while mine paled slightly then he bursted into laughter.

"Max, I'm joking!" He told me and I nodded relieved. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry, I've just had a really weird week." I honestly told him and he nodded.

"Oh okay." He told me. "I hope you feel better."

"So are you training me?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No, Brandon is." He told me and I paled. "When he comes in for his shift which should be in a minute or so.

No, no, NO! He couldn't be serious, right? What were the chances? This is some sick joke. Where are the people with the cameras. I couldn't be around Brandon not after we promised each other to stay away from each other.

The door suddenly swung open at the front and the little bell rang. Before even looking, I knew it was him. Should I just leave? I should. I told Charlotte that I would stay away from him but how will I be able to get another job as easy as this one was again?

"Brandon, mate, can you train Max for me?" He asked him. "I have to go do inventory out back."

"Do I have a choice?" Brandon asked Jake with an eye roll.

"No, I'll see you guys in a bit." With that, he left Brandon and I.

"You just can't seem to stay away from me Maxie." He smirked. "Don't worry I have that effect on people."

"I, uh, didn't know that you worked here." I avoided any eye contact as I shrugged.

"Right, lets make this quick." He told me.

If Charlotte saw me right now, her wolf would've taken over and ripped the little shit head into shreds. Luckily for us, Charlotte wasn't here to go all wolf on us.

A few hours into training and I would be lying if I said that there were no awkward silences, there were lots, too many to count but finally we were done. I was trying to avoid Brandon at all cost and I think he caught on, on what I was doing. I was about to grab the chocolate syrup when I felt my hand accidentally brush Brandon's hand. The sparks were undeniably flying and my wolf let out a howl of happiness. All the warmth was suddenly gone as I heard a cough. I snapped my head in the direction of the cough and saw Cone.

"Hey Max!" He called and I ran to give him a hug.

"Cone." I said out loud with a smile and feeling relieved.

"I didn't know that you worked here!" He said down to me. "I guess you've met my brother.

"Yeah." I giggled toughing his arm slightly. It was okay to flirt, right?

Then I flinched as the sound of the front door was banged. Brandon had left. He didn't care about me or our mate bond, did he ?

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