Chapter 6 :: The Apology

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Hey guys, I was on holiday (in France) and I found this channel and this song was playing while I watched their music channel and I really liked it so I thought I'd put it in the side bar. The song is sort of like Brandon and Max's relationship. I hope you guys like it!

P.S. Kristina on side.

*** EDITED by @OfficiallyAmused ***

A few weeks had passed since I scored the job. I'd managed to settle into a routine and Cone and I were definitely becoming closer but in a friend way (which is good). Kristina and I were also preparing for the first full moon since we'd been here. We knew that we would have to change so we would both go together into the woods.

Today is Saturday and our sorority was having a party today and everyone was assigned to a specific job (Kristina and I had to fill the juice kegs - a bit boring but at least we weren't in charge). Lucy, our sorority leader was getting extremely stressed and as soon as Kristina and I were done with the juice keg, everyone was arriving so Kristina and I went to get ready.

"So Max, I see you've gotten closer to Cone lately." She told me smirking while wiggling her eyebrows up and down with a smirk plastered on her face.

"It's not like that Kristina." I replied chuckling at her. "We're just friends."

"Yeah." She snorted. "Friends with benefits more like." She laughed and I playfully glared at her.

"Shut up." I squealed throwing a pillow at her which missed her completely.

"Anyway, how's your love life?" I questioned her.

"Do you want to know who I like?" She asked me.

"Wait!" I called before she told me. "Let me guess." I pleaded with puppy-dog eyes and she nodded. "Chris from History?" To be honest, he was dreamy and definitely Kristina's type.

"No." She shook her head at my guessing skills. "That Brandon guy." I swear that if I had water in my mouth, I would be doing a spit-take.

My mate! That's my mate! Let me at her! Let me rip her to shreds! Stay away! Stay away!

I could hear my wolf's growling and howling in my head and I tried my best not to wince at the sound. She was trying to take control put I had a firm hold over her, I had technically been practicing keeping control since every time I am around Brandon, she tries to take over.

Then realization hit me, I hadn't told her. I couldn't now, it would be awful. But I didn't care anymore about Brandon, he was dead to me.

Are you trying to convince yourself that you don't like him?

My wolf retorted in my mind.

You know you do! You've had a crush on him when you guys were little and you were so happy when you found out that he was your mate! Admit it! Admit that you still love him! You will never stop loving him.

"Um Max!" I saw Kristina throwing her hands in front of my face trying to bring me back to reality. "You okay? You kind of just zoned out there on me! Wait, don't tell me that you like Brandon too." She raised her eyebrow at me.

"What?" I spat out. "No, no, no, I don't." I shook her head repeating the action over and over again. "If anything, Cone's cute to me." I rushed out in a panicked voice and a bit too quickly.

"Ha! I knew it!" She cheered and I stared at her in confusion. "I knew you liked Cone! I am so setting you guys up at the party tonight." She was jumping up and down excitingly.

Phew, at least I escaped from the whole Brandon thing but now she thinks that I like Cone. Do I? I mean, he's nice and cute and definitely my type but I couldn't do that to Brandon because they were best friends. You know what, screw Brandon! He didn't spare my feelings when he was banging that girl, so why should I care about his feelings? No. For all I care, he could sulk and be a miserable jealous dick.

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