Chapter 4 :: The Supply Closet

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All through my class, I couldn't concentrate. It was the little weasel that I was stuck with as a mate, Brandon, was on my mind. Why did he have to ruin everything between us? Is he that cold that all he had to say to me was sorry for your loss. Was that all he could say to me after five lonely years. He was a coward. He is a coward. I was not going to let him ruin the best years of my life so for now, I have to forget about Brandon.

My mind had been rotating around Brandon for so long that when I heard my name, I was disorientated. "Miss Black, can you please tell the class what Lucy had just said?" The professor asked me raising his eyebrow as well.

"What?" I replied dumbly. That was my genius response.

"Exactly, I would appreciate it if you actually concentrated instead of your hobby of day dreaming." He snapped. Whoa, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

As soon as my first class with the snappiest professor ever, I practically just wanted to go home. Not the house that I was staying in for the " best years of my life", no, the pack house. Back to Charlotte and for once, I had decided on one thing, I hated it here. How was I suppose to survive three years?

I felt a pressure on my hand and since I was day dreaming, I didn't have time to react as I was being pulled in a supply closet. Not the best place to be, to be honest. I turned my head rapidly and then looked up to those familiar piercing blue eyes. I stepped back. It was him. What the hell was he doing?

"How could you have not told me that your dad died." I winced. "You know how much he meant to me, Max."

Was he actually taking the piss?

"You left Brandon." Was my simple response to him. I didn't have any energy to argue with him, no matter how badly I wanted to. I got that from my dad. My stubbornness.

Brandon then sighed defeating knowing that I was right. "I'm sorry, I should've been there for you when he died Maxie." I pulled my mouth into a tight line when he said that. "How, you know, did he die?" Pain was inevitably clear in his eyes.

"I told you, rogue attack." I growled out to him.

"I'm so sorry Maxie." He pulled me into a hug and for a few seconds, I enjoyed the warmth and safety that it held. I could feel the howl of happiness from my wolf. The hug was tight but gentle. It was like if he let go any second, I would run away from him. The sparks were flying and even though, I felt happy. I couldn't do this.

I pushed him away after around ten seconds of that hug. I took some steps back from him.

He has changed!

The pleading voice of my wolf made me bite my lip. I was fooled once by this person and I was not going to do it again. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Why should I be there for him when all he has done is cause me pain. I once followed my heart but doing that caused it to break over and over.

"Brandon, just... just stop." I whispered. My voice was hoarse and slightly croaked.

He looked at me and I knew that the old Brandon was back. He looked like he didn't know what he was thinking and it was all a mistake. It's always a mistake. I sighed. "Look Brandon, this is wrong. Leave me alone. I don't love you anymore." I didn't mean the words. I would always love him, there was still a mate bond. I couldn't deal with rejection so the mate bond was still there. The words were pain to him and I.

"You are doing it again." He stated. The familiar smirk that I had seen five years ago was on his face.

"What?" I questioned out of curiosity.

"When you lie, you crease your eyebrows." He smirked.

"No, I don't." I stated, unsure if that was actually true or not.

"They moved again." He laughed. I could tell by the smugness that was smudged all over his face, he was right.

"Shut up." I snapped. He was annoying and I hated that he remembered all the small things about me yet his douche bag personality was still clear.

"Okay, well this was nice you know but I have better things to attend to." He told me reaching for the door. He turned to face me. "You know, you are right, we should just leave each other alone. I know how jealous you get." He smirked while walking out. He was so confusing one minute he is hugging the life out of me and then next he's back to his dickish self. For a split second I thought he had changed. I guess I was wrong.

Once I had sorted myself out and left the supply closet, I decided to call Charlotte and let her in on what is going on. Already the second day and Brandon is floating around my mind, I told her I wouldn't.

"Maxie!" She shouted through the phone and I held it away from my ear. "Why didn't you call me earlier? Oh right you were probably at one of those frat parties." I could literally hear her pout but I chuckled.

"There is a reason that I called." I told her.


"Brandon's here." I told her with a hushed whisper as students were walking around the hallway.

"What?" Her voice had clear shock in it.

"He is here." I told her panicking slightly. "Like, in the flesh here."

"You are kidding, right? This isn't funny." Charlotte stressed out slightly. "He hated high school and I swear that he said that he wanted to leave school as soon as possible."

"That's what I thought as well Charlie." I told her shaking my head.

"Max, stay away from him." Her voice was deadly which didn't surprise me. Charlotte was over-protective. "He's only trouble, okay?" Her usual comical voice was completely gone into serious mode. Charlotte hated Brandon with a passion, more than I did. The night that she found her, she almost got her older brother to go and beat the shit out of Brandon. I literally had to beg her not to but now, I wouldn't mind it so much.


"An 'okay' isn't good enough." Charlotte sternly told me. "I need a promise."

"Yes, I promise you." I told her.

"Good, I've got to go to a pack meeting now. Bye!" She told me, her perkiness was now back as we said our byes.

"Okay, bye Charlie." I told her with a smile.

"Chow." After her response, I ended the call. Great, second day here and I've bumped into Brandon twice and had to listen to Charlotte go on about how dangerous he is to be around. I have now figured out that Charlotte's advice is always the best advice.

Thanks for reading guys. I've been updating loads cause I am on holiday so yeah . please vote comment and what do you think so far. can max stay away from Brandon forever ???
V xxxx

Ps picture of max on the side

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