Chapter 9 :: the fight

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A cough broke me and cone apart. I quickly looked up to see who the cough belonged to . of course it was Brandon. he had a funny talent for running good moments. I searched his face for an expression or something. His eyebrows were creased and his arms were crossed tightly around his body. He was so tense you could see his muscles flex. he looked good even when he was annoyed. I just wanted to kiss him sensless. woah max get a grip. Where did that come from. I guess the next full moon was coming up. And after all Brandon was still my mate. I wonder if he ever got those urges as well. I quickly brushed it off.

suddenly I felt cone instinctively wrap his arm around my waist. I looked up and saw the two eyeing each other off like they were having some sort of stare off . what the fuck was going on. did something happen between the two of them.

"I don't think it's a good idea to be so close to max cone" Brandon said warning him.
"And what's that suppose to mean Brandon" cone spat through clenched teeth. wow these two were really pissed. There was an awkward silence and all I could do was sit there like an idiot. I couldn't let this go on any longer.

"What the hell is going on" I questioned looking at both of them. But both of them just kept quite. suddenly Brandon grabbed my arm .

"Come on max were leaving" he was about to pull me up to my feet when cone tightened his grip round my waist.

"No she's staying Brandon"

"No she's my fucking mate now get your hands off her" he practically shouted It was almost like a growl. his eyed were dark and he held is hands in clenched fists. I had never seen Brandon this mad.

By now most people had gathered round including Kristina and Charlotte. great this was just great. my mouth was practically hanging down to my knees when Brandon said that. Before cone had time to process what he said he grabbed me out of cones arm and led me outside. I thought he would stop but he kept walking past the house and down the street.I was to shocked to even process what was happening but before he could drag me any further I heard Charlotte's voice . shit.

"Where the hell do you think your going with her" she shouted running after us.
This stooped Brandon dead in his track.

"Get off her you blew your chances at being her mate when you were screwing that blonde in my house. how dare you come here acting all high and mighty pretending to give a shit about max. well guess what Brandon your to late. it's not your decision about who max can and can't see. maybe if you would of kept your dick in your pants you wouldn't be mateless huh."

She quickly grabbed my hand away from Brandon. why was everyone grabbing me today.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that" Brandon came up closer to Charlotte leaving no space between them. his 6 ft 2 height was no match for Charlotte's petite 5 ft 3 height. but she didn't let that show she was intimidated.

"Or what are you going to get your little daddy to beat me up . oh wait you can't because he doesn't give a shit about you" she never left eye contact with him.

"Charlotte" I couldn't help but gasp . I can't believe she said that. it was a low blow even for her.

I looked at Brandon's face and saw a glint of sadness in his eyes but then he quickly turned back to poker face. anyone who knew Brandon well knew that anything about his dad was a soft spot for him. everyone had one . Mine was my dad as well, Charlotte's was here uncle abusing her as a kid but only I knew that.

"That's enough Charlotte yes I did screw up with Max but she is still my mate and we both can't deny that" Brandon said looking straight into my eyes. his piercing blue eyes looked vulnerable.

"She's not your mate . Max deserves someone so much better then you." And with that Charlotte started pulling me back into the house . Suddenly I had to break eye-contact with Brandon.
I couldn't take this any more. everyone was making decisions for me. No one caring about my actual view or side of the story. I quickly pulled away from Charlotte.

"Iam going home" I said while turning around and walking in the opposite direction.
"Max are you ok"
She said looking concerned . Brandon was still standing there watching us.

"No Iam not ok charlotte but I need some time alone go have fun. Cone or Kristina can bring you back to mine if you forget how to get there"

I quickened my pace into a run . I had to get out of here. my mind was confused and I was getting dizzy. now I didn't know what the hell was happening between Cone and Brandon. Charlotte went all psycho Charlotte and Brandon said we couldn't deny the fact that we were mates. . What did that mean. I had to confront him later about it. All I wanted to do was get home . college party's weren't going so well for me lately.

The next day I woke up with a headache as per usual the day after a party. the realisation of the fact that it was Saturday made me want to do kart wheels all around the room. Because I had no shift and classes. I looked around and saw Charlotte and Kristina still sleeping. I quietly tiptoed into the bathroom. I glanced in the mirror and realised that I looked like a state. the dress I had on last night was all creased my hair was a mass of nots and frizz and my make-up was smudged across my face. It was safe to say I also had raccoon eyes . I needed to fix this fast .

Once I was out of the shower I put my wet hair in a bun and decided to wear some shorts and cones t shirt. it was the only one I had that wasn't in the wash. I couldn't be asked to put any make-up on so I just grabbed my tom shoes and ran out the house leaving Charlotte and Kristina to sleep.

First stop I needed to talk to Brandon. When I stepped out I could feel the sun light over my face. the birds were chirping like some Disney movie. not a lot of people were out and about. Great I hope Brandon was up. Once I got to his house I knocked on the door.

Id been waiting for 5 minutes when suddenly A guy I had never seen before opened it . he was tall tanned and had messy but cute dirty blonde hair . he was cute but I wasn't really on the prowl.

"Hey what can I do for you" he replied while rubbing his face. great I felt bad because it was obvious I had just woken him up.

"Um hi is Brandon in" I questioned raising my eyebrow .

I looked up and I could feel the guy staring at me. He was eyeing me up and down. this made me blush. I felt really self concious.

"Hey sorry for staring it's just you remind me of someone I used to know, Brandon's not in he's at the gym I think but you can always come in, I am Ben." He said stretching his hand out

"Max " I said shaking his hand.
"Well you coming in we could use more girls in here it's just full of testosterone at the minute " he said chuckling

"thanks but I've got to find Brandon maybe some over time" I turned around and walked down the stairs when he suddenly called my name.

"How bout tonight at 8" he said smiling at me. I looked into his hazel brown eyes. I never realised how good looking he was.
"I want to take you out max" he said holding a playful smirk on his lips.
"What if I say no"
"Then I come chase you till you say yes"
"Fine fine I live in Alpha Sigma Kappa"
"See you at 8"

Did I just land myself a date. well I guess I should take Charlotte's advice and just go with the flow. I've been so uptight the whole time I've been here. it was time for me to just let lose and have fun. and that started with forgetting about my ex mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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