Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

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They laughed and walked back towards the cave. However, they never really got there. They kept playing around and bumping each other. Eventually they found themselves on top of a hill.

Kovu layed down on his back as Kiara did the same. They stared up at the sky. The stars were shining especially bright that night.

"Hey, look ", Kovu said pointing at a constellation. "That looks like a tree."

Kiara turned her head so she could see it from his perspective. "Yeah, it does! Wow, look this way! "


"Right there. "She directed his attention towards the left. "It looks like a flower."

He looked carefully and then slanted his head. "But if you connect that star to that one it looks more like a -"

"Heart ",she finished .

He smiled. "Yeah, exactly. "

They were about to kiss until Kiara saw a fire fly. "Woah, I've never seen one so huge before!"

They started chasing after it, but it flew higher and avoided them.

"I really want to catch it... "

He thought for a second. " Hmmm... Ah! I got an idea .Get on my neck and I'll lift you up. "

There was no hesitations. Kiara just went with it. Tonight just felt free. While she was up there she felt like she could touch the heavens.

Kovu laughed as he wobbled trying to balance himself on just two legs. "Did you get it? " he asked.

"Almost, just -woah! ", she shouted as his knees buckled. They laughed as he straightened back up .

"Got it!" Kiara exclaimed. When he came back to his normal four legged position she got off of him .

She opened her paw to reveal the bug. They stared at it in awe as it illuminated a glow on their faces.

"Wow", Kiara admired.

He gazed at her taking his focus off the little creature. He didn't know whether it was the atmosphere or if his head was playing tricks on him but for some reason everything felt so romantic.

Kovu said, "Its beautiful... just like you".

She looked up and the firefly flew away. She gave him a seductive smile and he drew closer towards her like a magnetic attraction. They started to make out right then and there on the edge of the cliff . Nothing could ruin this moment. Everything was just right... almost.

As the kiss intensified, Kiara accidentally stepped back too far and tumbled down the hill taking Kovu with her. Rather than be embarrassed the two just laughed at themselves as they reached the bottom of the hill. Surprisingly, the ground beneath them was actually kind of grassy compared to the rest of the place.

The soft night wind blew through their fur.It also made Kovu's mane sway in breeze. Something about this night ,it was making him crazy inflamed with passion. Kiara must've felt it too because she came next to him and started rubbing underneath his chin, making him purr deeply.

"Do you feel that? ", Kovu asked.

"Feel what? " she asked curiously playing with his mane .

"I don't know how to describe it", he said looking for the right words. "Tonight feels so magical, we've been so passionate, yet I want more. I don't know, and I just feel all tingly. Its weird."

"Its heat ", Kiara stated. "What do you want to do now ?" she asked in sultry tone and layed down.

He sized her flirtatiously. "I think you know exactly what I want to do." He came closer and stood above her.

"Then do it,"She said simply.

He looked to the left then to the right and smirked mischievously. No one was in sight . He could finally express his love the best way he knew how.


"You lift my heart up, when the rest of me is down

You, you enchant me, even when you're not around

If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down

I'm latching on babe, now I know what I have found".

Kiara rose up and sung the next verse.At that very second the moonlight gleamed in her amber eyes , making them sparkle.

"I feel we're close enough

I wanna lock in your love, baby

I think we're close enough

Could I lock in your love?"

They danced through the sparse field, singing the chorus.As they sung the field started sprouting watsonias as if by magic.

"Now I got you in my space

I won't let go of you

Got you shackled in my embrace

I'm latching onto you

Now I got you in my space

I won't let go of you

Got you shackled in my embrace

I'm latching onto you"

Kovu sung the second part.

"I'm so encaptured , got me wrapped up in your touch "

He plucked a watsonia with his mouth and put it behind her ear, then gave her a sweet lick on the cheek.

"Feel so enamored, hold me tight within your clutch How do you you do it, you got me losing every breath"

"Every breath", Kiara harmonized

"What did you give me to make my heart beat out of my chest !" He made a pumping gesture with his paw near the far left of his chest.

She pranced around him taking over the pre chorus.

"I feel we're close enough

I wanna lock in your love

I think we're close enough

Could I lock in your love,baby?"

Kovu joined in and they rocked to the music filling the night air.

"Now I got you in my space

I won't let go of you

Got you shackled in my embrace

I'm latching onto you

Now I got you in my space

I won't let go of you

Got you shackled in my embrace

I'm latching onto you"

"I'm!", Kovu belted soulfully.

"Latching on to you ", Kiara sang melodious.

"Latching on! "

"I wont let go of you"

"No, I won't let go"

"I'm latching on to you "

"I will remember ,oh! "

"I won't let go of you "

"I won't let go, I won't let go ... " Kovu ended the song ,flashing one of those dashing smiles.

He hopped on her and pinned her down. She laughed and pushed him off. They walked away as the tune faded in the breeze, their tails entangled in a heart shape.

The Lion King: Kovu and Kiara-New BeginningsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum