Thinking With The Heart

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It was mid-afternoon and Kiara was just getting back home with the other lionesses. On today's hunt they brought back two fresh antelopes. For some reason she really wasn't all that hungry.

"Ugh, carnivores", Timon said, shuddering away from the group of lions that came to partake of the bounty. "Try some grubs!" he yelled at them.

"Hey ,Timon",Kiara smiled showing her sharp teeth.

"Ahh!" Timon qawked back. "Ya know, ya really shouldn't sneek up on a guy like that."

Kiara laughed. "Have you seen Kovu?"

"Have you seen Kovu? ", Timon mocked Kiara batting his eyeslashes all girly.

Kiara sighed playfully annoyed."Oh ,Timon"

"No, I haven't seen your little lover boy."

"Howa bout waskin yo fhawtha", Pumbaa suggested, entering the conversation with a mouth full of bugs.

"Okay, bye guys!"

Kiara ran up the pathway of Pride Rock. She looked for her father on the ledge and in the den but he was no where to be found, just like her boyfriend. She sighed.

"Looking for someone?", her mother Nala, asked.

"Yes, I was looking for daddy,well really Kovu".

"Well that's no surprise", she laughed

"We all know you've got a thing for him", Sarabi said awaking from her nap.

"Grandmother, I thought you were sleeping."

She stretched, slightly exposing her claws. "Well, I do have ears, and I know you're hot on that boy."

Kiara shrugged."Well, yeah , I do like him... a lot." She couldn't lie. She could be herself around him. She didn't have to act all princessy like she did around other lion boys.

"I've got eyes ,too", Sarabi said. "To me it looks like Kovu's got you going on a trip down upendi lane."

Kiara laughed confused. "What?"

Nala spoke. "In other words, you don't just like love him".

Kiara smiled at the ground. "I do love him", she mumbled. "Well, I'm going to go hang out with Ashanti".

Nala said goodbye as her daughter jaunted out the den.

Sarabi looked at Nala, knowingly. "Looks like we've got've a wedding to plan, Nala."

Nala giggled and agreed.

"Tell me what you see", Rafiki inquired.

Kovu sighed. "Nothing. I've been sitting here for hours and I still. See. Absolutely.Nothing".

Kovu had been at Rafiki's great baobab tree for a while. There he observed the various paintings on the bark as Rafiki explained that each painting told a story. Kovu was amazed by how so much information could be stored away in the tree. It was like a record keeper of all the generations and dynasties. He could easily trace the family tree of any lion.

He traced Kiara's all the way back to her great-great grandparents, Mohatu and Ava.But, when Kovu found himself on Rafiki grand tree of artworkings, there were no grandparents,or even parents for that matter. Just him...all alone.

After telling Rafiki of his dream, he was made to close his eyes and try with all his might to remember anything about his cubhood before Scar or Zira. Rafiki said it would help with the dream interpetation. So there sat Kovu for hours, still unable to remember a thing.

"Wrong! You rememba somethin', Kovu, but, you must look deep within yourself."

"I can't recall anything!"

Rafiki hit Kovu on the head with his rod, which had pomegranates and passion fruit hanging towards the end of it.

"Ouch! What was that for?", he asked rubbing his head.

"Can't is not in da vocabulary. If you want to find your parents you have to start thinkin' with your heart", he said touching the left corner of Kovu's chest. " instead of your brain."

Kovu sighed and closed his eyes again. "I see...darkness"

"Look harder", encouraged Rafaki.

'Think with your heart ,Kovu' , he told himself, starting to relax. " I'm playing with flowers...they're-they're like purple; a light lavender. But, I'm standing high up on something.It's not flat... like a ...hmmm..."


"No, not that's a hill."

"Interesting...what else do you see?"

With his eyes still closed he tried to reminisce any other details he could see. "In the distance I see some creature. It looks weird. It walks on two legs instead of four. It doesn't look like it has any fur...well a little on the top it's head. That's all I can remember."

"This is all so interesting!" Rafiki exclaimed taking some dates and throwing them on the ground. Kovu watched in amazement as nothing happened.

"Okay, sooooo,hehe, this is awkward." Kovu chuckled.

"Hush", Rafiki said putting a finger over his mouth. "Mufasa is sending me a sign".

He closed his eyes and began arranging the dates ,throwing more on the ground as was needed.

Kovu squinted, 'What is he doing?' . He was puzzled over the monkey's strange behavior.

"Ah! I've got it!"

"You do?"

"Yes, come look!" He laughed excited.

"Ignijamahsik? What?! That makes no sense, Rafiki!"

He giggled. "Child, life doesn't make sense when you look at it from da wrong angle. Look dis way", he explained and guided Kovu to the opposite side from which he was sitting.

He read it again." It says Kishamajingi...I've never heard of that place."

"I have. It's a far away place where the Watsonias grow all over."

"Watsonias? Those lavender flowers I saw?"

"Yes! Except they come in all shades. And those creatures you saw...they are not ordinary animals like you and I."

"They aren't? Well, what are they?" Kovu asked trying to take in all this new information.

"They are humanes."


"Yes, haha! Now tell me what you smell."


Rafiki hit Kovu again.

"Ouch, Hey!"

"Is that all you can say? 'Nothing'",Rafiki mocked."In your vision what did you smell ,Kovu?".

He closed his eyes and breathed in deep and exhaled. "I smell something sweet ,like honey.At the same time its zesty , like an orange."

"Very good! Rememba dis smell. You'll know you've found the place of your parents when you smell dat aroma."

"Thanks Rafiki! I think I'm really ready to find them"

"Haha! Don't mention it. After all, home is where the heart is. When you find yours you'll find out who you truly are".

Kovu smiled at him, grateful. Rafiki returned the smile . " Hurry you must go and set off on your advencha!"

Kovu laughed shaking his head. He was on his way home ; His real home.

But what about Kiara? He had to tell her. And, of course, Simba and Nala. He couldn't leave without saying goodbye. 'I'll tell them of my plans then go' . Kovu had it all set. Nothing was going to stop him.

The Lion King: Kovu and Kiara-New BeginningsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora