One Direction

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The sun was starting to set. That meant it was getting late. Soon they would need to stop and catch some shut-eye. They walked a bit further until they came to a rather thick patch of grassy terrain.

"Here should be good", Kovu said settling down.


Kiara cuddled up next to him, getting comfortable. It was a silence between them, not a awkward one, though. More of calm thoughtful silence.

Kiara turned on her belly and looked blankly at Kovu.

He looked at her  with a furrowed brow. "What?"

"What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?", she asked randomly.

"What?" he asked taken back, even though he clearly heard her.

"Oh, c'mon", she urged rolling her eyes. "Spill. What's the most horrifying embarrassing thing that you've ever experienced."

Kovu thought for a moment staring at the night sky. "Hmmm...Ou! I got it!"

Kiara piped up. " Okay! Tell me."

"Nope. You gotta tell me yours first", he bargained smartly.

"Ugh, Fine....hmmm let me see."

A stank look came across her face and she glanced at Kovu. "Its kinda nasty."

"I can handle nasty".

"No! Its super disgusting, I'm warning you".

"Tell me, I bet mine is worst", he challenged.

"Okay", Kiara said. "One time, when I was a cub, I saw my parents..."

"What?" he asked, wanting for her to go on. 

"Something very loud...and physical."

Kovu's jaw dropped. "Oh my gosh, you've got to be kidding me!"

Kiara shook her head. "It was pretty scarring"

He made a gagging impression and she laughed. 

Kovu tried to imagine himself seeing what young Kiara would've saw, but it was too weird thinking about the king and queen in that manner.He shivered. "Did they know?"

Kiara shook her head. "Nope , I ran away so fast."

He laughed . "I bet."

"Okay now your turn."

"I dunno if I can still beat yours but I'll give it a shot", Kovu said. "Well me and Tani were playing around with this bee hive. I some how climbed up the tree and knocked it down right on her head."

"Omigosh! Were there any bees in there?" Kiara asked shocked.

"Oh yeah! Our faces were swollen up like big grapefruits. When I got down and tried to help her we ended up covered in honey. It was so sticky! It also didn't help that everytime we tried to move stuff kept on getting stuck to our fur."


He continued, "Yep.There wasn't any water near by either. So, when we got home my mom had to lick us both down ."

"And when did this happen?"

He looked down at the ground sheepishly. " About four months ago..."

Kiara couldn't contain her giggling. Just the thought of his mom having to give him a bath at this size was down right hilarious. Kovu joined along in the laughter.

"But I think mines still won."

He didn't even put up a fuss. " Can't argue there."

Kiara once again snuggled up close to her boyfriend and they fell fast asleep.

By morning they were up and on the road . The sun was high  above the crystal blue sky without a cloud in sight.  To Kiara the clouds were still there...they were just invisible. Maybe they were just letting the sun have its own day to be a star  without any distractions. (No pun intended)

She was trailing directly behind Kovu and had a full view of his bouncing dark brown mane and ever flickering tail. His stride lacked no ounce of confidence or determination.

She decided to walk next to him. " Kovu I've been wondering..."

"Yeah", he said eyes locked ahead.

"I mean you've never actually been to Kishamajingi, so how do you —-"

"Know where I'm going?", he finished.


The honest truth was that Kovu had no idea where he was going. He wasn't going to admit that though, It would freak Kiara out too much. It kinda freaked him out a little when he thought about it. It was just a sense of guidance there to lead him. Maybe it was the great kings. All Kovu knew was that  he had one direction to travel; Home. And he expected that throbbing thing inside his chest to take him there.

He had to come up with something convincing, though, to make Kiara still want to follow him. "Rafiki.Clues. I've made a mental map".

"Okay, so which way is your mental map taking us?", Kiara inquired staring at the divided road.

That was a good question. Kovu closed his eyes, pretending to trace the route of his 'mental map'.In reality he was hoping for a sign. 'Come on, great kings!'

The air casted pieces of debris westward. "That way!", he declared.

"Are you sure?",Kiara asked a bit worried , thinking the other way was a better alternative.

'Nope' , he wanted to say. "Yup."

She followed him down the west path and didn't dare look back. She knew they were no where near the Pridelands anymore and it was too late to turn around. She trusted Kovu and smiled to her self. 'He knows where he is going'

Kovu couldn't help but look at the path they were now traveling. The grass was growing sparse and the dirt beneath his paws was getting warmer. That could only mean one thing; Desert.

'I have no idea where I am going...'

The Lion King: Kovu and Kiara-New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now