New Roads Untraveled

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The party came to an end as the sun was starting to set .It was time for Kiara, Kovu, and his family to say farewell.

Kiara's lip trembled as she burst out crying. She embraced her parents, squeezing them tight. "I'm... going to... miss you," she said between sobs.

She could feel their tears as they fell into her fur. "We're gonna miss you, too," Simba told her, struggling to avoid getting choked up.

Simba looked at his wife. "Should we tell her before she leaves?"

Nala gave him a knowing smile and turned her attention to her daughter. "We have something to tell you."

Kiara stared at them, perplexed. They drew her in close so no one would hear.

"I'm pregnant," Nala whispered.

Kiara couldn't believe her ears. She could see from the proud glow on her parents face that they weren't lying.

"That's awesome!" She shouted.

"Shhhh ", her father warned. "We haven't told anyone yet. We found out a day after you left."

"Is it a boy or a girl? "She asked quietly.

"It's too early to tell, but Rafiki predicts it's a boy," her mother mumbled.

She grinned joyfully. She couldn't believe she might actually be having a baby brother. 'Could this day get any better?', She remarked to herself.

"Have you came up with any names?"

"I hope it's a girl ", Simba confessed, "If it turns out to be one, we're naming her Kimonee."

"Rafiki's almost never wrong," Nala interposed. "I'm pretty sure it's going to be a boy. If it is we're naming him Leon."

"Both of those names sound great, but mom's gotta point. What if you combined both of them...Kion?". Her parents smiled at each other.

"I love it!" Her mother exclaimed, yet still maintaing a whisper.

"Me, too," Simba agreed. " But, if it is a girl I think Kionii would be nice."

Kiara smiled. "Well, whenever the baby comes, you know me and Kovu will be right here."

She went over to Ashanti and gave her a heartfelt squeeze.

Ashanti smiled as tears welled up in her sapphire orbs. "Please come back and visit."

"Of course," Kiara assured her. "You're my best friend. We can't stay separated forever."

Simba gave Kovu a firm hug."Take care of her."

Kovu nodded."I swear with my life."

"You better ,"he teased. He smiled and gave him a mild slap on the back."I'm going to miss you. Be careful, okay?"

Kovu knew he was serious. He could tell from the way he looked into his eyes."Yes, sir."

Kovu went over to his sister and half smiled. He could feel himself getting teary eyed.

She glared at him. "Don't just stand there..." Then, her face softened. "Give me a hug."

He hugged her .Then, she put her paw on top of his head and slid it down his mane. He nuzzled her. "I'll be back again, don't worry." She nodded sadly.

Timon smiled at the couple and hugged their legs. Kovu lifted Timon up and he ruffled his mane. "Take care, buddy." He chuckled and placed him back on the ground next to a sniffling Pumbaa.

"Awe, don't cry," she comforted him. "We'll be back day."

"Well I guess this is it" Joseph concluded. "It was nice meeting you, Simba and Nala. All of you," he acknowledged everyone.

Nala thanked him. "It was nice having you here."

"Wait!" Sarabi shouted. She ran up to her grand-daughter with a necklace in her mouth. The necklace had garnet gemstones around it with a wooden bead between every fifth one. As Kiara looked at it more closely, she could see a letter carved on each bead spelling out her name. She bent down and Sarabi placed the necklace over her head.

The necklace sparkled in the fading sunlight. "It's beautiful!" Kiara rejoiced.

"You still remember that song I taught you?"

She nodded and started singing, her mellow voice harmonizing with her grandmother's smooth soulful one.

"You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day"

Sarabi kissed her on the forehead and smiled warmly. "That's my grandbaby."

"Good-bye", she told her family.

Nala shook her head. "No, just see you later. We love you."

"I love you ,too," she told them.

They all waved farewell and the lions started their journey back to Kishamajingi.

Kovu and Kiara looked at each other, beaming. They were starting a new chapter in their lives. Who knew what exciting things lie ahead of them?

Kovu kissed his wife then looked around at his family. He returned his attention straight ahead, watching the sun as it slowly disappeared. Kovu finally knew where he was going.


The Lion King: Kovu and Kiara-New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now