And They're Off...

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Kiara licked Kovu's cheek. "Get up, sleepy head!"

He murmured, "Five more minutes", and put his paw over his head,sleepily.

"Okay, Well if you don't get up I'm going to pounce on you",Kiara teased.

Kovu counted silently in his head.This was going to be too easy. '1...2...3'. He ended up on top of Kiara instead and they giggled.

"Ugh, okay. Fine, you got me",she laughed.

Simba came into the den to find them playing.He shook his head. "C'mon ,you two. You'll have enough time for that later."

They got up, still giggling and followed him out.

"Your mother went out early and caught breakfast for you guys. She thought you needed to eat before taking off."

"That's great,"Kovu said. "Because I am kinda hungry."

Simba nodded and led them down the pathway.They saw Nala standing by a juicy raw zebra. "Eat away", she encouraged. "You cant travel on an empty stomach."

"Meet us around the corner when you finish", Simba added.

They breakfasted until they were full.

"Wow, good thing we're going on this trip.I need to walk off these extra pounds!",Kovu exclaimed.

She shook her head at his remark. "But, I can't actually believe we're doing this."

"Finding my parents?"

"No",Kiara laughed. "I cant believe my dad's actually letting me come with you."

"Yeah.He's being pretty chill. Sometimes he's all 'No, no, no!".

"Sometimes? You mean all the time", and they laughed going around the corner.

"But I think he knows I'll take care of his little princess", Kovu stated more serious.

Kiara half smiled and walked closer to him.They made it around the corner where Kiara's parents awaited to bid them farewell.

Nala spoke first."Well, I guess this means good-bye".

"No, mom",  Kiara said rubbing against her chin. "We'll just see you guys later."

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"Simba asked them, but more directed toward Kovu.

They nodded.

" I've been ready",He replied confidently.

"We hope you have a safe journey", Nala told them

"We will, mom".

Simba cautioned, "And try to make it back  within four days, please."

 "We won't try, we will. I promise",Kovu assured.

Simba smiled  then sighed. "I sure hope so."

Kovu took in the majestic orange glow stretching its way into the sky. "Well, I guess we better get going. Gotta big adventure ahead."

They bobbed their heads sort of sadly.

"Good-b—", Nala started but then recalled what her daughter said to her. She smiled sweetly. "See you later."

They began walking north, straight ahead.

"We love you! ",Simba called out in the distance.

"Love you ,too!", Kiara yelled back.

"We love you ,too,Kovu!" They shouted.

That took him by surprise. He wasn't even officially married to their daughter and they were already treating him like their own child. He hoped his real parents were just the same whenever he found them.

He yelled back,"Uh,I love you ,too!"

"And they're off...", Simba said with uncomfortableness in his voice.Would Kovu find his birth parents? Would they be careful? Better yet, would they make it back in time for their ceremony?

Nala looked at her husband, reading through his worried expression. "They'll be fine, Simba. Okay?"

He scanned the sky searching for Mufasa's assurance of Nala's words. The wind blew with what seemed like small magical flecks of peace. Simba breathed deeply. "Okay."

They were now on their way to Kishamajingi. Who knew what lie ahead? That didn't matter as long as they had each other.

"Ya know, even if we don't make it back in time, we can always run away together", Kovu suggested.

"If  we can still stand each other ", Kiara joked.

Kovu chuckled,"Whatever", and rolled his eyes.He knew deep in his heart he'd always love her, no matter what happened. 

The Lion King: Kovu and Kiara-New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now