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They ran as fast as their legs could carry them ,but the humans were only a a very small distance behind. Their expert knowledge of the Bongalu Jungle was at a great disadvantage  to Kovu and Kiara.

Though the lion's night vision allowed them to see where they were going it didn't stop the angry people from throwing spears at them. The villagers yelled furiously in their native tongue .

"Sisi karibu got simba! Lengo, Moto!"


"Ahughh!", Kovu winced.

An arrow whooshed past him and landed in the bark of a tree. It had missed, but still scared the crazy out of him.

"Kovu?!", Kiara screamed. She stopped running because see didn't him. Where was he? Was he hurt? Her heart  thumped madly in her chest as she awaited his response.

"Kiara, I'm okay! Keep going!"


She flinched, horrified as she dipped and dodged an ambush of arrows. 'These creatures just don't give up, do they!'

Kovu's mane flew backwards as he hurried his pace, the village men were getting  hot on his trails. 'Go faster!'

But he couldn't, for he was getting out of breath.

Boom!Flash! Flash!

'Great. Just what I need; a thunderstorm on top of trying to run for my life.This day is just better and better...'

Just seconds later and it started to pour down raining.  However, the villagers were relentless and kept on pursuing the two.

Kovu made a sharp turn left ,thinking he had diverted his attackers. His eyes darted around the trees, but he didn't see any one. He relaxed enough to catch his breath. 'Where's K—', but his thoughts were interrupted by a group of men charging right at him. He tried to turn and run but he saw he was cornered.

What was he going to do? He had no choice but to fight back.


The men backed up quickly. It was working! He roared again but this time a few men came at him nervously with spears. He growled and pounced on one of the men as others hurried to stand out the way.

"Ahhhhhh! Msaada kwangu!", he shouted.


Another arrow is shot, but misses Kovu by an inch and lands in the ground. He gets off the man and turns around to see his new attacker.


Kovu is shocked. The man stands firm and unafraid, even the rain beating down on his furless body doesn't phase him.


For two brief seconds Kovu could see the man perfectly. His features were stern yet calm. There was no evidence of fear in his eyes. Unlike the others this man had no hair on his head. The next thing Kovu saw made him gasp.Drapped around the man's shoulders was a tan animal; A lion.

Drapped around the man's shoulders was a tan animal; A lion

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The Lion King: Kovu and Kiara-New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now