Lost and Found

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Kiara made her way slowly back into the harsh desert.Not only was she in physical pain ,but her heart was aching ,too. She thought back on all the mean things she said to Kovu earlier that day.

"Save your lies! You're just like Scar, a murderer and a deceiver."

Did she really mean that? She didn't even give him a chance to explain. 'Maybe he didn't kill anyone', she thought. What about that long journey they took? Kiara knew Kovu was determined to look for his parents.He didn't have much to go off of in the first place, but the fact that he had the guts to try and find his family proved he had bravery.'He's so brave...yet now he's out there alone. We were supposed to stick together.Looks like I was the coward.'

Kiara started to weep again. However, she tried to remain focused on getting back to the Pridelands. Sarabi's lullaby filled her head as she hobbled forward.She remembered how she always use to sing it whenever Kiara got scared as a cub.

Listen as your day unfolds, challenge what the future holds

Try and keep your head up to the sky

Lovers, they may cause you tears

Go ahead, release your fears

Stand up and be counted, don't be ashamed to cry

You gotta be

You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser

You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger

You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together

All I know, all I know is love will save the day

Herald what your mother said

Walk the paths your father tread

Try to solve the puzzles in your own sweet time

Some may be more bold than you

Others take a different view,my oh my, heh, hey...

 The verses finally hit Kiara. 'I have to go back!'


She turned around and started running back to her lover, but eventually collasped in the warm desert sand.Her leg was too weak and she became exhausted.She gave in and blacked out.

 A shadow came above her. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know where I'm going like usual.I don't know  how to get to Kishamajingi, I can't go back home...I'm just lost...and alone", Kovu stated aloud, sighing.

He layed down and started swiping at the blood lilies. A gust of wind came and blew the  tiny yellow seeds away. Kovu looked back and saw it swirling in the same area, as if waiting for him to follow. He looked around and smiled in disbelief. "Nope, haha! Not this time. You guys almost got me killed last time! Well, that was kinda me... but still!"

Kovu knew he probably looked insane standing there shouting at the air. However, he knew it was the Great Kings trying to guide him. "I'm not falling for it , Mufasa. You're gonna have to try harder than that."

The air with the sprinkled seeds came toward him nearly knocking him over. He tried to resist but it kept blowing at him making him shift first from the left, then to the right.

"Okay! I give in!", Kovu yelled. The wind swept behind and pushed him. "Alright! I'm going, geez."

Kovu followed the gale of air cautiously through the serengeti. He shook his head . "See, I knew you weren't gonna —".

All of a sudden the ground beneath  him gave in. "AAHHH!" He plummeted into a dark pit.

"Ughhhhh!", he roared in dread. 'I knew I should've just stayed put.'

Kovu roamed around the little pit for a while then heard voices coming from above.

"Hey, Mike. I think I heard it coming from somewhere over here."

"I'm coming, Jessie", the other one answered in a British accent.

Kovu couldn't understand them ,so he thought they probably had to be human.He looked up as they peered down into the trap. They looked different from the other humans he saw in the jungle. It was a male and female and they both wore camel colored vests with many pockets and zippers. They wore this vest over  a white shirt with some logo. The male one really stood out, though, because he was pale fleshed.

"Oh, this one is just beautiful", Mike said. He shined a bright flash light at Kovu, making him jerk back. "Look at his eyes! That's a very rare shade of green. Just beautiful!"

"Ndiyo, yes", Jessie agreed. "I'm going to go get the truck."

After the lady left, Kovu saw the man pull out a dart gun and became afraid.

"Alright kitty-kitty, lights out". He shot a tranquilizer at Kovu's rear, which caused the lion to let out a deep growl.  Then, he fell over and went into a deep slumber.

The Lion King: Kovu and Kiara-New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now