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NOTE: Hey guys! A new chapter is on!

It's a bit short, but I plan on posting another one today or tomorrow. I just need to edit it first!

By the way, thank you all for the votes and comments! I really appreciate it!

Hope you like it! Please, let me know your thoughts about it.



Mia woke up the morning of the trip to Hogwarts without much excitement. Her school had been invited to participate in the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts School of Magic and Witchcraft. That said, some students would board the ship that morning heading for Scotland... Or would that be London? Either way, the point was that Mia wasn't excited to go there. Not really. She knew she would attract unwanted attention if she was there. Most of Kristoff and his mother's friends had children who went to school there.


Mia never really understood why her family was closer to the pureblood families living in England than those living in Bulgaria, but was thankful for that, seeing that it gave her a bit of peace at Durmstrang. She remembered not being friends with any wizarding families while growing up and only meeting some of them at the Christmas Ball, though she remembered not being exactly sad about it, and remembered Kristoff always complaining about how he wanted to move to London but couldn't. Mia recalled being deadly curious about why they couldn't move but never asked.

The girl sat facing herself in the mirror on the table in her room; she stared at her reflection and analysed face minutely, from the freckles on her cheeks to the thickness of her dark lashes and her greyish green eyes before resuming combing her long black hair. At Hogwarts, her name would lead to unsolicited people trying to talk to her. Mia was sure of that. There, she couldn't pretend to be an ordinary child. She wasn't ordinary, to begin with.

She was Euphemia Graham.

The sole heir to the Graham family, and more than that. She, together with her mother, was an example. Example of what would happen to any pureblood girl who tried to leave her morals for the wrong people. Examples of what they would become. A traitor who would have to settle for any man, as she was already a blood traitor and wasn't able to choose anymore, and a filthy, unworthy child who would never be enough compared to the others.

Iris and Euphemia Graham were the only ones whose history was too well known to all pureblood families.

Mia was the one whose mother had conceived with a blood traitor.

Everyone in the pureblood world knew who she was, so Mia had to be a thousand times better than any other. She couldn't just be good; she had to be perfect. That was the price she would have to pay for being the daughter of who she was; Effie had always known that. Euphemia was little when everything started to fall apart, but she had characteristically strong and specific impressions of how things were. Bad experiences had a knack for being attached to people in the same way that good ones seemed to fade quicker than expected. Her parents had been married once, but Mia had no memories of the man. Iris' reputation went downhill after she had a daughter with a man whose name she never revealed and in the end.

Mia was left with a bitter mother, a strict and sometimes too harsh grandmother, and a father whose face was never anything but an incognito in her head.

Not that she minded, really. Euphemia grew up being forbidden to even open her mouth to say anything, let alone ask dumb questions about her father. The girl had already imagined all kinds of scenarios in her head, but she preferred to leave them there. None of them had a happy ending, anyway. Regardless of how curious she was when she was younger, Mia didn't care about the man anymore. There was no reason. He didn't want her, and she didn't want him, the two of them had, even if unconsciously, come to an agreement. She had survived almost fifteen years without him, so there was nothing he could provide that she couldn't handle on her own.

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