~Will Smith • Fatal

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I read his book and got inspired by a situation he mentioned. I woulda had his ass locked up is all imma say😒😒

Will Smith as Himself
You as Tia

"I'm not gonna ask you again, Tia. Where the fuck are you going?"

"For the last time, Will. I just need to clear my head and get some peace and quiet." She looked around at his group of friends scattered around their living room talking loudly, music blasting.

It's always someone in the house that doesn't live there. By now the noise has quieted down as Will followed his lady to the front door.

Tia seemed to take the phrase "Dress to impress" literally and he wasn't feeling that.

"How you dressed all fly and don't have anywhere to go? Don't play wit me aight?"

"I'm not worried about where I'm going. I just need to get out of this house."

"Whatchu mean? I got this house for us and you saying you hate it? You want a bigger house or some shit?"

"I want some peace and quiet for once, Will!" Her cool demeanor slipped, something that frustrated her. She hates arguing and lately that's all her boyfriend wanted to do.

Quickly sighing she made her way towards the front door, mind made up on where she was headed.

"You walk out that door, it won't be a good look." He spoke. Clearly he had lost his mind. Tia just needed to get some air, to understand her thoughts.

"I'll be back in a couple of hours, ok? I promise we'll talk when I get back I just need to clear my head." She spoke opening the front door. Rolling her eyes as he slammed the door behind her.

"Momma Smith, it is good to see you."she went to the only place she could right now.

"Hello dear, come on in and tell me what that son of mine has done now." She opened the door.

"I'm not sure what's wrong with him but he really has changed. It's like I can barely recognize him. One minute he's all lovey dovey. The next he's starting an argument asking why I don't love him the way he loves me. "

"This has been a tough year for him."

"I've seen him low but this might be lower than before."

"You've been with him through a lot, a strong woman is what you are. Now it's late and I'm tired. Lock up when you leave, sweetie."

"Yes ma'am. Thank you for listening." Y/n sat back on the couch and closed her eyes enjoying the silence. That's all you wanted, silence so you could clear your head get a fresh start.

Before you had known it you fell asleep. Waking up, you panicked seeing it was 1:40am. You had slept for a few hours and knew Will was pissed.

Stepping foot out of the cab snd immediately stopping in your tracks. You see Will standing in the driveway with no emotion on his face.

There wasn't much light outside so it was hard to see what he was doing. Letting out a shriek seeing a flame appear on the concrete. Quickly walking to see what was happening, you stopped and your head dropped in defeat.

"Are you serious right now?!"A tear came to your eye.

"As a heart attack." He said

"You mad that I left a house full of rambunctious ass niggas to get some peace and quiet? And decided that the best option was to BURN MY SHIT?!"this was the last straw.

"You wasn't trying to tell me where you were! You tryin to play me like a sucka!" He yelled back, neither caring about the neighbors.

"I went to talk with your fucking mother! What the fuck is wrong with you?! I'm not Monica! I'm not her! I'm not her, please just stop fighting me." A few tears fell as the color drained from his face. He knew she wouldn't bring his mother into it, if it was a lie.

"You went to mo-" he started.

"Just stop. It doesn't matter anymore." Grumbling she stepped into the house and made her way to the bedroom. Checking to see if he had actually burned all of her belongings and he pretty much did. She sat on the side of the stupid jacuzzi in the bedroom letting out tears.

"I'm sorry, baby." He said becoming into the room.

"I'm done. I can't live like this. You're actually crazy." She said not even looking at him.

"You don't mean that. We just need to talk it out. I let my anger out on you and I shouldn't have."

"This shit isn't healthy for either of us. This back and forth, tit for tat is NOT cool. It's fucking fatal."

"So what you trying to say?" He sat beside her waiting for an answer.

"We need a break. You have to figure out what you want and how to heal. I need to figure out who I am because right now I feel completely lost. I don't know what the hell is going on. It's like im just floating by in every aspect of life."

"So you're leaving me? I failed that much as your man that you're done? I provide for you, I protect you, I've loved you with all I had!" He started to get angry.

"Look where it's gotten us! I don't have shit to my name and everything I owned is ashes on the fucking driveway. You need help, like a therapist. I can't help you. " She touched his face.

"I thank you for how you've taken care of me and been there for me but you haven't forgiven Monica for what she did. You're blaming me for her mistakes and it's gonna be the death of me. We both need help."

"Whatever I need to do I'll do it." He stated looking into her eyes.

"Heal." She kissed his cheek before standing up.

"Where you going?"

"I'm taking my ass downstairs to see if all my shit is extra crispy or not. Then I'm getting the fuck outta here."

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