Chapter 6

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"Luke, wakey-wakey. There's school." I hear Michael say, flicking the lights on and off. I fucking hate when people do that. It should be illegal.

"No." I grumble, snuggling into the blankets further. The bed moves as Michael crawls in. He kisses along my shoulders. I'm okay with kisses, kisses are good.

"Wake," kiss, "up." He sighs as I don't move. I feel two hands on my side, and in seconds, I'm falling off of the bed. I whine, scrunching up in protest. I hear a giggle from Michael.

"No." I say, trying to fall back asleep on the floor. Michael sits on my back, bouncing.

"Luke! First day of school!"

"It isn't the first day." I answer sleepily.

"Well, it was in Finding Nemo, so shush." He keeps bouncing on my back, slowly working, bouncing on my last nerve. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He shouts like a child on Christmas. How is he so fucking happy? It's literally 6 in the morning. No one should be up before 9. I get up off the floor, trudging to the bathroom like it's the worst thing I've ever had to do. I bet Jewish people had a better time in concentration camps. Yeah, I don't even care if that was offensive or not. I have a seriously bad case of morning wood. Oh my God, I gotta piss so bad. I lock the door behind me, using the bathroom quickly before opening it up again. Michael trots in, smiling like a fool. "I already picked out your outfit."

"Great." I scoff. He frowns.

"And, I put all of your books into your backpack." I ignore him, brushing my teeth harshly. "God, why are you being such a turd?"

"Why are you so fucking annoying all the time?" I snap. The instant I say it I regret it. His green eyes flash with hurt. He nods, looking down at the ground. "Shit, Mikey, I'm sorry." I say with a mouthful of toothpaste. I spit quickly before hugging him. "I didn't mean that, Kitten. I'm just an asshole in the morning. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He says, looking back up at me, his happiness back in tact. "Get ready!"

"I will, I will." I roll my eyes, slapping on some deodorant and fixing my hair into a perfect blond quiff. I can see Michael standing in the doorway, staring at me getting ready. I look at him in the mirror, smiling. God, he's so perfect. I would give anything to switch places with him. I wish that all of his sickness could be placed on me. People say to be careful what you wish for, but I don't care. I wish I could take away his pain, but I can't. I'm just a dumb teenage boy. I blink quickly to make sure I don't cry.

Michael picked out an outfit. Made entirely from his clothes. His Mötley Crüe shirt, and his skinny jeans, and his All Time Low wristband, and his jacket. The only thing that isn't his is the necklace he got me last year. I smile, picking it up It's a heart with a piece out of it. It says, He who holds the key can unlock my heart. The missing piece is where the key goes. Michael has the key on his necklace that he hardy ever takes off. When he gave it to me, he was so embarrassed. His face was super red, and he kept saying that "I can take it back", "I'm sorry, it was dumb", "I can get you a better present." Meanwhile, I fucking loved it, I still love it. I remember him rambling about returning it, so I grabbed him by the shirt, and pulled him in for a kiss. I told him that it was amazing, and I'd be really mad if he took it back, and he did that dorky smile he does. I like that memory. It's a good one that I don't want to forget.

I get dressed quickly, slipping the necklace on. I grab my keys from the bedside table, following Michael down the steps. I still feel grumpy about having to get up, to go to school, to spend even less time with Michael. As per usual, when he gets to the car, Michael turns the radio on. He gets excited as he recognizes a Puddle Of Mudd song. He waves his arms around dopily.

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