Chapter 20

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"Three weeks?" I ask, my voice barely audible. I roll around to face him. What? He locks eyes with mine. "What do you mean three weeks?"

"A couple days ago," he begins, "when you were taking a nap, a nurse came in with a doctor. I only have three weeks. It's an estimate, but-." My jaw drops and I stand up, wanting to be away from him.

"Three weeks?" I repeat, running a hand through my hair.

"It's only-."

"Shut up!" I snap, making Michael jump. "You were given another date, and you didn't tell me?" I feel my eyes fill with fresh tears.

"Luke, we were told that after Christmas-."

"Shut up." I repeat. I shake my head. This can't be happening. Not so quickly.

"My body is starting to...stop...quicker." He says softly. "The doctor said that-."

"You knew that there was a date they gave you, and you didn't tell me?" I repeat myself. "How much do you not tell me, Michael? I deserve to know! I fucking deserve to know, too." I cry, wiping at my eyes. He reaches out for me, but I shake my head. "I need to...take a breather. I just-." I don't finish my thought, and storm out. 3 weeks. That's only 21 days. They can't give me 21 days.

I find myself walking a few blocks away from the hospital, feeling numb. This isn't fair! As I walk past a sign for a café, I kick it out of my way, not really processing how rude I'm being.

"Young man, you better fix that sign you kicked!" An older lady shouts at me. I stop, looking over my shoulder.

"Huh?" I ask, slowly coming to my senses. She takes one glance at my blotchy complexion and tear stained cheeks, and pulls out a chair from one of the outside tables.

"Sit down, honey." She commands. I probably could have walked away, ignored her and kept going, but I'm tired. I'm scared. I have no clue what to do, and she's giving me directions. Even if her directions are just sit down. She plops herself down beside me, rubbing my back. "Wanna tell me what happened, sweetie?"

I shake my head, starting to cry again. I cover my face in my hands to keep myself from sobbing, but she stops me. I look over at her blue eyes and smiling face. She shakes her head at me.

"Don't hold in any tears, honey. Let it show, because the more you try to hide your emotions, the harder they are to control. You understand?" I nod, looking back down and sobbing. Why does it have to hurt so much? Why did I have to fall in love with him, of all people... I pick the person that I can't have. "Something happened, and I want you to tell me about it." She slowly rubs my back. "I'm a grandmama, and I know that these aren't just tears of sadness. You're heartbroken. So tell me all about it."

"My-my boyfriend," I stop, my whole body shaking. She hushes me.

"Deep breaths, and let it out." She instructs. So I inhale deeply.

"My boyfriend, is dy-," my voice stops, another breath, "dying. And they," deep breath, "gave him," gasp as I start to switch from full heartache to full panic mode, "three," breath, "weeks to," my chest hurts, "live." I can't stop trembling. I open my mouth, feeling a crushing weight I need to let go of, and blurt. "My whole world is starting to fade out of view...out of reach. My whole world isn't going to be here, because he's my whole world. I don't know what to do without him."

"Do you love this boy?" She asks. I look over at her. Was she not paying attention?

"I said he-"

"I know what you said." She stops me. "That he's your world, but do you love him."

"More than anything." I say, nodding.

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