Chapter 10

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"Happy Birthday." I whisper, kissing his cheek. He grumbles, turning over in his bed. "Kitten, you're 18. You're an adult now!"

"I don't care." He whines.

"Fine, you won't see what I did for you. You won't go to school, and you won't see all the hard work I did." I complain. He groans, but gets up. I went to a lot of trouble for this birthday, especially since this may be his last. His eyes go wide as he looks around his room.

"62." I say, answering his question before he asks it. I got 6 packages of happy birthday balloons, and filled up his room, or his ceiling rather. He gets up, grabbing the little blue card attached to the bottom of each one. He reads it.

"I love you because you snore." He laughs, blushing.

"They're reasons I love you." I say. "There was supposed to be 100, but I underestimated the price of coloured notecards and helium. I tried." Michael smiles, reading more of them.

"I fucking love it." He says. "I love you because you made me travel three days to 'meet' Jack Barakat who wasn't even there" Mikey starts giggling. "That's not funny, I though he was gunna be there."


"I seriously love this. When did you even?" He comes over to kiss me.

"Don't get too excited, there's more." I say.


"More." I grab his hand, pulling him down the hall. I have an open pizza box sitting on the counter. Happy Birthday is spelled out in pepperoni, well sorta. "Once again, I tried. I meant to spell happy birthday, but I kinda forgot the H." I cover my face in embarrassment. Michael laughs.

"I need pictures of this." He says.

"Already on it, chief." I say, signaling over to Karen and Daryl. Michael looks shocked, and they take a picture.

"Were they in my room?" He asks. I nod, laughing. "How?"

"They're specially trained ninjas." I wiggle my eyebrows, grabbing a piece of pizza, and handing it to Michael. They actually weren't in the room, but they got pictures of it when he was sleeping. He sets the pizza down, kissing me with intensity.

"Keep it PG, boys." Karen laughs. Michael rolls his eyes, pulling away, and taking a bite of pizza.

"This is awesome."

"There's still more." I say. Michael nearly chokes.

"How is there more?" He asks. I simply shrug.

"You might want to get ready." I say, eating my own pizza.

"What should I wear?" He asks. I shrug again. He could wear anything, he always manages to look stunning. He races, figuratively because he hasn't even tried to move fast this past week, to the bathroom, fixing his hair. I wait patiently, letting him take his time. He's probably gunna wear the Misfits shirt. He likes to tug the sleeves down when he's nervous. Surprises make him nervous. Sure enough, when he comes back from his room, that's the shirt he's wearing. I look down, and he's actually wearing legitimate jeans. Sure, they're still tight, but they're blue. I smirk to myself. His hair is flat, tucked under a snapback. I smile, kissing his lips lightly. When I pull away, his eyes are still closed.

"Ready?" I ask, and he nods, letting me lead him to my car. He tries to open the door, but I stop him. "No!" I whine, squeezing between him and the door. "I got it." I say, opening it for him.

"Ooh, fancy." Michael teases, getting in. I skip to my side, sliding in rather ungracefully. "So, what else is there?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No telling." I say.

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