2. Leaving

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It was the morning of Mia's flight and her family wasn't home. Her parent were out for a nice walk with some of their friends. It was perfect timing, because if Mia's mom found out about her trip she would try to stop her.

Mia grabbed breakfast and wrote a quick note to her parents:

"Hi mom and dad, I will be gone for the next couple of days. Right now there is nothing here for me and staying here in the Netherlands will only make me sad in this time of year. It will be good for me to explore a new city and I might even make some new friends. Don't worry about me, I'll check in with you once in a while. Please let me do this so that i can work on myself, clear my head and so that I can have a fresh start next year. I love you guys, X Mia"

Mia did not mention that she was going to London because she did not want her parents to fly out to London as well. Besides she was almost turning 20, so she thought that she had the right to make this solo trip. 

She grabbed her suitcase and went to the train to get to the airport.
Everything went really smooth as if it was meant to happen like this.

As Mia landed in London she was super tired and couldn't wait to get to her hotel. Things were a bit slow at the airport, but when she was finally at the hotel it was already around dinner time. Mia quickly checked in, even though the hotel looked worse than the pictures online she still checked in. This time of year it is extremely hard to book a room in London so she decided to roll with it. Mia quickly changed into this:

Mia decided to look for a place to eat since she was so hungry after the flight

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Mia decided to look for a place to eat since she was so hungry after the flight. Mia took her laptop with her so that she could act like she was working, because it was her first time going out to eat on her own and she didn't want it to be awkward. She was really hungry so she walked across the street to a café called "Joe's"

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