17. Weekend of a life time

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Lando did not have a lot of time to stay in the moment with Mia, because he had to get ready for qualifying. 
While Lando was getting ready with John, Mia was sitting quietly in the back. All she could do was smile and look at Lando. Occasionally Lando looked back and gave her a wink with a big smile. When Lando was done with his warm-up he asked John for 2 minutes alone with Mia. 

"Thanks again for coming Mia, You have no idea how much you mean to me" Lando said as he pulled her in for a big hug. 
" Do you want to watch quali in my room or in the garage? Either way is fine by me, as long as you feel comfortable". While still hugging Lando, Mia answered "People already know anyways, so I guess I would like to be in the garage with you" Lando pulled back from the hug and had the biggest smile on his face and give Mia a long and passionate kiss. 

The rest of the weekend Mia spend almost every minute with Lando. They got a lot of media attention, but Lando made sure that Mia felt comfortable. 

Mia's presence had a positive effect on Lando's performance. He qualified P4 and ended up getting P2 in the race. 

During the Podium all Lando could do is look at Mia and smile, while Mia was letting away a tear in the crowd. 

It really was a weekend of a lifetime, Lando and Mia had come together like no other and felt so comfortable with each other, something that neither of them had ever felt with other people. 

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