7. New Years Eve

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It was new years eve and Mia was really nervous. She had build up quite a good bond with Lando these past days but tonight she was going to meet all of his friends which was scary. She had met Ria briefly, and she had a good feeling about her. 

Mia didn't want to be the person who was just 'there' she was always the person they forgot about, and she wasn't looking forward to being that person once again. 

Lando had asked Mia to come early and have dinner with him before the party so she did. She took a cab to his house and rang the doorbell.
Lando opened the door and said "wow, you look gorgeous! Come in, before you get cold" Lando gave Mia a tight hug and without noticing Mia blushed and said "it is still the same dress we bought together, you saw me in it yesterday, but thank you. You clean up well yourself". 

After a dinner people started coming to the party. It was pretty busy, There were probably 50 people there already. Lando did not leave Mia's side until she had someone to talk to: Ria. Ria introduced Mia to a lot of people and she felt really welcomed and part of the friend group. 

Mia got a bit too overwhelmed inside. All of Lando's friends were so kind to her and were interested in her while none of her friends back home had even noticed that she was not in the Netherlands anymore. 

Mia set down on Lando's steps when Ria joined her and asked if she was okay. Mia nodded and said "it 's just a bit much but I'll be back shortly just give me a second okay? Thank you for checking up on me". Ria gave her an hug and walked away, but instead of partying she started to look for Lando, but he was already walking towards Mia. 

Lando sat down next to Mia and gave her his jacket since she was sitting outside without a coat on. "Mia are you okay? If somebody is being rude to you or making you uncomfortable please tell me I will make sure that they will leave." Mia looked up into Lando's eyes and smiled lightly "Lando all of your friends are lovely, it is the fact that now I really realize how toxic my 'friends' back home are". Lando didn't know what to say, instead he rubbed Mia's back while she was laying her head on his shoulder. After a while Mia said "Lando can you give me a few minutes to myself, I will be back inside in 10" Lando nodded and said Yeah of course I will find you again. 

It was 2 minutes before midnight and Lando and Mia were looking for each other but they couldn't find each other.

The Countdown had started 10, 9, 8, 7, 6....  

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