12. Back in the goup?

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As Lando woke up he saw on face time that Mia was still asleep. He had to be at Mclaren in 30 minutes so he hoped that she would wake up before that so that he could say goodbye. Unfortunately Mia was still sleeping when Lando had to leave, he ended the call and texted her 

" Hi, I'm so sorry I have to go to Mclaren right now. You were still asleep and I didn't want to wake you. If there is anything text me and I will try to call you as soon as possible! Remember that you are awesome! XXX" 

Mia woke up past noon, since she was so broken from yesterday and she really needed the sleep. Lando made her feel safe while they were calling and it made her fall asleep faster than usual. Mia quickly texted Lando back 

"Hi, I am so sorry I literately just woke up. Thank you for yesterday I really needed you. You're the best!"

While Mia was studying, she got a joined face time call by the same girls she yelled at yesterday. She hesitated but ended up accepting the request. 

During the face time call the girls were really nice and apologized for yesterday but also the past few months. They finally knew that they neglected Mia and they want to make it up to her. They invited her for dinner on Saturday, Mia hesitated but ended up saying yes. After the call she was confused... was she back in the group? 

She decided to call Lando: 

M: "Hi Lan, how are you?"
L: "Hi glad to hear you in your voice that you are doing much better than yesterday! I'm good, we had a good meeting and I am so ready for the race this weekend. So what did you do today"
M: "I studied and cleaned a bit. Oh and I face timed with some of the girls who I had an argument with. They apologized and want to make it up to me with dinner on Saturday."
L: "Mhmh so are you going?"
M: "Lando what do you mean I can hear something is off in your voice"
L: " I don't wanna ruin your moment but are you going to forgive them like that? Mia you were destroyed yesterday, I don't want to see you broken again. Why don't you think about it a little longer and maybe invite them on your own terms when they are nice to you for longer than one hour..."
M: "yeah you might be right, I'll text them after this"

They called for a few hours when Lando had to leave to the airport, tomorrow was media day so he had to be there.

Lando warned her again for the girls, Mia deep down knew he was right but it felt nice to have them notice her for once so she decided not to text them and she was still planning on going but she wasn't planning on telling Lando. 

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