4. Tour guide

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It was a little before 11 when Mia walked to the Big Ben, Lando was already there and had 2 hot chocolates in his hand. 

Lando showed Mia first all the things tourist visit in London and then showed some hidden gems. They both had a really good time and started to develop some underlying feelings for each other.  

It felt like Lando and Mia had known each other for years and they were really bonding. Things with Lando felt much more authentic than with her friends back home who she totally forgot about. Her friends had no idea that she was in London and hanging out with an F1 driver since she had not posted anything on social media. Creating a new genuine connection was new for Lando as well, since a lot of people only wanted to be friend with him because of his fame and success but Mia was different. It felt like it was destined that they met each other.  

It was close to dinner time when Lando was recognized by one of his fans. It had a snowball effect and within no-time there were approximately 40 fans around Lando. Lando took Mia's hand and they quickly fled the scene. He apologized for it but Mia didn't care. 

They ended up at Joe's again and talked the night away. Lando invited Mia for breakfast the next morning, an offer she couldn't resist. 

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