18. Back to reality

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After an amazing weekend it was time to go back to reality. 
Lando had a triple header ahead of him which meant he had finished one weekend but that he had to race the next 2 weekends as well. Mia was sad that she couldn't join him because she still had a field-hockey match in the weekend. 

Lando drove Mia to the airport and give her a long goodbye hug. 
"Mia, Please know that you can call me anytime okay? Don't let them bring you down, and don't fall for their tricks. I love you" Mia nodded and give Lando a kiss and said " I love you, I'll call you when I am back home"

Lando didn't like the idea of Mia going back home and facing the girls on her own so he decided to call Ria: 

L: "Hi Ria..."
R: "Hi lando, Is everything okay. Congrats on your weekend by the way"
L: " Thanks. Yeah everything is okay but could i ask you for a favor?"
R: " Anything, you know that Lando"
L: " It's about Mia.... Could you please fly to the Netherlands? She really needs a friend right now and I can't be there but I would feel a lot better when there is someone who I know has her back and someone who isn't fake. I'll book the flight and everything I just need you to be there. So what do you say?"
R: "Of course I'll go Lando. Just text me the details and I'll be there. From the stories that I heard, Mia deserves so much better and I'm not afraid to tell them"
L: "You are the best Ria, I'll keep you posted!"

* 2 days later* 
Mia was getting ready for field-hockey practice when she heard a knock on the door. to her surprise it was Ria. 

Ria explained why she was here and a huge weight fell off Mia's shoulders. She knew someone would back her up during the conversation with her field-hockey team. 

As Mia walked on the field, the whispering started again. Mia looked back and saw Ria nodding reassuring again. 

"Can I please have every bodies attention please" Mia said
"I just wanted to let you know that I am quitting with field-hockey as if today. I still love the game, but this is just a toxic environment for me. Good-luck with the season and please be nice to each-other because I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone" 

The girls tried to react but couldn't because Mia was already walking away While she hugged Ria. 
"I'm so proud of you Mia you don't even know!"

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