14. Feel like shit

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It was race-day and Mia woke up with puffy eyes from crying. She decided to send Lando a quick good luck text:

"Hi Lan, Good luck today! whatever happens I am proud on you, and please drive safe xxx"

Lando responded within minutes and said: 

"Thank You! I am looking forward to talking to you after the race, gotta get ready now!" 

As the race started Mia was watching the race on her Laptop. She was anxious for the start but Lando had a great start and let the race. Only a few laps before the end he got a puncture. Lando had dropped back to P8... He lost out on much needed points for his team but he also lost out on his first ever Grand Prix win. Mia felt really bad for him and didn't know what to do... Should she text him or not? She decided to wait for Lando to call her. It was already late at night and Lando had still not called Mia so she decided to text him. 

"Hi are you okay?"
"Lando? Do you still want to call?"
"If Not please let me know we can call another time as well"

Even though Lando read the messages he did not reply. Mia decided to call him instead because she was getting annoyed. 

M: "Hi Lan, how are you doing?"
L: "How do you think I am doing"
M: "I am sorry, just wanted to know if you were okay"
L: "Of course I am not okay, I just missed out on my first win, How could you think that I am okay"
M: "Excuse me, why are you mad at me"
L: "I am not mad at you I just have had a tough weekend, Please bear with me"
M: "You know what Lando I'll give you all the space you want. You are not the only one who had a rough weekend. I was literately followed by paparazzi my friends called so that they would get more exposure. I didn't want to bother you with it, and yet you didn't even try to call tonight. I won't lie, I couldn't even sleep at all. And maybe I will get used to it but right now I just feel like shit!"
L: "Mia I had no idea why didn't you text or call me"
M: "Because Lando, I am thinking about you as well. You should try to care about someone else sometime as well. I Need some space okay"

Before Lando could answer Mia hung up the phone...

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