With The Bad Comes The Good

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Chapter 1.

"Why did she make me do this?" I whisper to myself grouchily.

I shouldn't be wasting my time here. It's just a stupid CD signing. But Elizabeth has to drag me here because I'm apparently her friend that is the biggest "Directioner".

"You'll love it!" she had promised. But of course being me I would never admit it after denying it so strongly on the way here. But in all honesty I only like it a bit. Too many hot, sweaty, screaming, starstruck girls for my liking. It smells so bad of BO here that I am surprised that the "Hot British Boy Band" up front can handle it. I had told her it would be gross here.

"At least let me pay attention to the road," was her response. She had to get her full license a whole month before me. You know, with her being old and all. So I couldn't drive myself here yet.

"Where is Elizabeth?" I questioned nobody in particular. It's almost her turn to get her new 1D book and CD signed.

She just had to pee "right this second" so here I am holding her place in line.

Oh, no. I-er- We are next!

Swearing at Elizabeth under my breath I quickly stop as I step up to Liam. Elizabeth's "Boyfriend". "So. Who should I make this out to?" he asks.

I put on a small grin. "Elizabeth. My so-called friend," I say slightly more agitated than I meant to. I guess I was still upset. "Just Elizabeth!" I add hastily, embarrassed.

"Why "so called best friend."?" Liam asks seemingly interested.

I blush even harder, "No reason," I say sheepishly. I turn my gaze to floor.

"Here y-" Liam starts but Louis cuts him off.

"I get frustrated with my friends, too, sometimes," he says with a wink. I smiled at Louis and thanked Liam for signing the stuff. I turn away to go look for Elizabeth.

I find her in earshot of where I was, looking hurt and angry. I smile to her, still thinking of Louis.

"Hi, So called best friend! Thanks for getting the book and CD signed for me. See ya around!" Elizabeth yells at me, snatching the book out of my hand then stalking off out the entrance of the mall.

I stand stunned for what felt like forever, watching her walk out. When I snap to it I start to chase her, but realize it's too late when I see her car screech away. I let my anger get the best of me. I flip her off and walk back into the mall cussing and cursing Elizabeth under my breath.

I flop down on a public bench and analyze the situation I got myself into. I am a 19 (almost twenty!) year old girl and am an hour and a half long drive away from home. I am hungry and have $20 cash on me the rest I'd have to go to an ATM for.

We were planning on stopping for dinner on the way home so at least I have a while till my Mom expects me home. Which will be in about four and a half hours. I swear again.

If I could just get a ride to my Grammy's. She and Grampa live only forty five minutes away. I could just call Mom from there and say- ummmmmm... That Elizabeth couldn't drive me all the way home anymore so she just dropped me off there.

Yeah... that could work. But how I get there is a mystery still.

I lean my elbows on my knees and rest my head in my palms. I was freaking out on the inside, but only the people who knew me well could tell. Like the biatch who ditched me here. I would probably look tired or bored to anybody else.

I hear a herd of screaming girls coming and can guess what that means. I blush remembering my exchange with two of the famous -slightly attractive- male singers. I lift my head as it gets louder, but just slump over again as the great mass of people approach. It seems as if they stay extra long where I am.

I suddenly jump up from the bench when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see the warm, gentle hand belongs to the stripes and suspenders wearing Louis Tomlinson. "What's wrong?" he asks, genuinely sympathetic.

"How-?" is all I can sputter out. I wanted to know how he recognized me.

"The hair," he says simply while a smirk grows on his face.

I give myself a mental facepalm. I forgot about my bright lime green and red streaked hair. It's slightly noticeable in a crowd, even if you can't see my face. I blush. His hand was still on my shoulder.

I stare interestedly at the floor as I mutter my reply. "My so-called best friend ditched me here with no ride home."

Louis ponders this for a second, I think. I was too absorbed by the ugly mall floor while my face flamed. "Well how far do you live from here?"

"An hour and a half," I mumble as I examine his face. He better not stalk me after his conversation.

"That's far," he says as if thinking aloud, finally removing his hand.

"How about you come back to the hotel with us while we figure out what to do with you," Louis says after what felt like forever of being stared at by whispering teens.

I look up at his face again to see if he is lying. He is staring into my eyes waiting for my response. Seeming completely honest, caring and trustworthy.

"Ummmmmm. I guess," is what comes out of my mouth.

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