Chapter Thirteen: Happy Freaking Birthday!

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Chapter 13.

Your point of view.

"It's your birthday, soon. What are you gonna do?" Niall asks.

"Probably Louis," Harry snickers.

 "Oh, shut it! Most likely, but is that really news-worthy?" I snap.

"I guess not, with how often it occurs," Zayn's remark was met with laughs. Even from Louis. I just blush and glare at him. We hadn't even done it since... Since the day Charlie died. I sigh heavily and drop my head into my hands. I shut my eyes tightly to avoid tears leaking out. It failed and a few ran down my cheeks.

Louis wraps an arm around me, "I know what you're thinking. It's okay. He is still happy, and is another star in the sky."

I nod and let him pull me into his chest. I know there is an awkward silence as I try to pull myself together. The lads all sat in various places in the living room. We had gotten sick of the morning crap on TV, so were just talking.

True. My birthday was only in another few days. My breakdowns were less frequent now, and my amazing Louis hadn't cried since the day of. He was Superman. He helped so much. When I called my parents to tell them the news, he was with me. He had let my cry into his chest as he told them what happened. I called all the friends I'd told, including Tasha, SV, Agatha, and Elizabeth, whose friendship was pretty neutral.

I take one last deep breath before I pull away from Louis' shirt and keep my head lowered. I really missed Charles, but Tommy was still quite the handful alone. He helped keep my mind off his brother by making me stress over him. I knew I was sleep deprived because of him, but I didn't care. I loved him so much, and that made it worth it.

"I'm sorry," Zayn murmurs to me.

"It's nothing. Just reminded me. Everything seems to, anyway. It isn't your fault at all," I assure him. He looks really guilty as he lowers his eyes.

"I think you should go out and leave Tommy with us. He is used to us, and we know everything about him. That is four babysitters, and one baby," Liam suggests.

"Four?" I ask, not getting it at first.

"Yeah. Four, because you get the fifth," Louis squeezes my waist. I nod and lean against him with a frown on my face.

"We should just go to a bar. I can't remember the last time I went to one of those things," I murmur to him. Louis looks nervous before committing. "You should have a couple drinks, too. I know you didn't want to have any for a while, but it's a special occasion," I reason.

"Yeah. You can have a bit," Niall agrees. Louis nods and seems to listen to Niall. Louis seems to take a lot of advice from Niall lately. I was curious of what was up. I think Niall threatened him or something when he started drinking the pain away.

"Okay. We will only have three babysitters for a bit, then. One of you'll have to drive us home," I tell the lads.

"Sure, whatever. You need some time out, anyway," Harry states. I know I rarely got out of the house anymore, because I was so untrusting of anyone to watch Tommy. I shrug and lean into Louis a little more. I was struggling to keep my eyes open now. Louis looks down at me and frowns concernedly.

"You should get some more sleep, Tianna. You look like shit," he adds.

I blush, "I should, but I know you miss having me around all of the time. If I slept in my room all day and took care of Tommy all night, you'd never see me."

"So? If you need sleep, that's way more important. And I'm not going to take an 'I don't want to' or anything like that," Louis was preparing to win an argument. I sigh, too tired to put up with it, and nod. He would win anyway, so why take longer? Louis was surprised at my submission, but tries not to show it. He knows that that means I really truly am exhausted.

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