Chapter Eleven: Two Of Them

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Chapter 11.

Your point of view.

"Seven, eight, nine, ten. Okay, relax," the nurse says. I take deep breaths. Why was I so stupid? I should've gotten the epidural. I had tears streaming down my cheeks and I was groaning all the time. I wasn't screaming, just groaning and grunting.

"Okay, push," the doctor says and the nurse starts her count to ten. I squish my chin against my chest and push. "Push. Keep going. I can see the head," the doctor says.

Luckily I got a female doctor and female nurse. The only male in the room was Louis. He was encouraging me to keep pushing. I utter swear words without realizing it. But it hurt like hell! "Push!" the doctor says.

"What the hell do you think I'm freaking doing?" I ask. "Surry," I slur before the nurse reaches ten and I get to relax for a second.

"And, push. He's almost out," he doctor says. Fuck! I push again. I have been pushing for a couple hours now. I have enough knowledge to know I'm gonna have to suffer through this for another-um- long time. My cheeks were burning. It was partially because of how hot the room was, and how many people were staring at my private parts.

"He's out," Louis says. I look up to see the doctor bundling up a screaming child. I smile tiredly as Louis cuts the cord.

"Thomas," I murmur to Louis.

"Tommy Tomlinson," Louis tells the child slowly and he somehow gets him to stop screaming as I continue to push.

 "Three," the nurse reaches.

"I can see the head. Keep pushing," the doctor says. That was fast. I push harder and the doctor gasps.

"What?" I ask. I thought he came out.

"I almost wasn't ready for him," the doctor chuckles and lets Louis cut the cord again. "Okay, push just a bit more, please," the doctor looks at me. I knew this was coming. I push and the after birth comes out for both of my boys.

 They put my second son on my chest. "Hi, Charles," I murmur. He continues to cry. The nurse picks him up and starts to leave.

"Wait," I demand. She pauses, Louis was still holding Thomas.

 "Louis. You don't let these guys out of your sight. I know I'm paranoid. But you never leave them alone. I can't trust anybody very much, sorry," I apologize to the nurse, not really meaning it.

"Okay," he answers and walks out with the nurse, carrying Tommy for her. Yes. I just had twins. And now I'm exhausted. I promptly fall asleep about thirty seconds later.

Louis' point of view.

I follow the nurses like a shadow. Lucky for me, both boys are in the same room. I watch them like a hawk. I was following Tianna's orders perfectly. I felt bad for my two babies as the nurses poked their heels to draw a bit of blood to test and do a bunch of other stuff.

I dress Thomas, who was a perfectly healthy, eight pound, baby. I carry him around in a bundle of blanket and baby as I follow Charles. Tommy was bigger than Charlie. Charlie looked small and frail by comparison. Charles Tomlinson was only five pounds, five ounces. Tianna had decided that they get their father's last name.

 She had said she would marry me soon anyway. The nurse testing Charles seems upset. My baby is turning a bit yellow. "What's wrong with him?" I ask, suddenly worried.

"He just has a bit of Jaundice. We will put him under a light until the yellow fades. He will stay in the room with their mother," she explains.

"So he's going to be okay?" I ask as I rock Tommy.

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