Chapter Fifteen: The Truth

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Chapter 15.

Your point of view.

"Bye, Niall. Thanks for the ride," I lean toward the front seat to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're welcome, now go have fun. Bye. Happy birthday!" He calls as he drives off. Louis leads me into the bar by my hand.

"So, can we just drink till we drop?" I smirk as I ask the question.

We sit in two barstools at the bar before Louis' mischievous answer. "Can't drop until after the drunk sex. But that's gotta wait until we get home," holding my hand under the counter, he orders me something to try.

"Thank you," I smile to the young bartender.

"You're welcome," her smile is sweet and I am slightly jealous. I can't smile like that. It was the kind of smile that a guy could get dazzled by.

I glance at Louis. He is watching me. I have that strange, but familiar, feeling that he can read my thoughts. He gives me a great smile as he realizes I'm looking at him. Louis looks me up and down before shaking his head with a small smile.

"What?" I question. It seemed like he knew something about me that I didn't.

"You're more gorgeous than you think. And you're smarter than you let on. Why do you do that?" He asks with a furrowed brow.

Our next round of drinks come and I thank the pretty lady. "Do what?" I watch her walk away and wonder if I could mimic that posture.

"You are constantly hiding your best strengths. Why?" Louis follows my gaze before I have a chance to look away. He shakes his head and I blush.

"I dunno," I shrug and take another sip of my drink.

Louis shakes his head disappointedly. "You know I love you, right?" He asks. He still seems sober. I guess I'll have to wait for the real fun to begin.

"Yeah. Why?" I cast my gaze to my drink in hand. I swish it around in the glass while I wait for an answer.

"Because-" Louis' hand squeezes my knee, making me look at him. "You are an amazing woman, and I want you to know that you are loved. You don't do anything stupid, okay? Promise me you won't do anything stupid and you'll treat yourself properly," his eyes are pleading, but his voice is calm. I shrug. Louis shakes his head and looks down.

"I promise." Before I realize I am saying them the words leave my mouth. I didn't cross any fingers. I didn't just lie. It was a promise.

"Good. Now don't do anything stupid. Treat yourself right. That is all I ask of you," his hand has taken mine. I nod and he squeezes my hand. "Thank you," he murmurs to me. In the crowded, noisy bar, I could barely hear him.

"Sure," I shrug. We get another round of drinks, and she stops to talk to us. The name tag read 'Courtney'.

"You guys sure are draining 'em," she smiles as she leans on the cleanly wiped counter.

"Sure. And it's only the best for my darling on her birthday," Louis smirks over at me. I blush and lower my eyes. Courtney claps as a smile appears on her face, and skitters off somewhere.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" My face flames as Louis joins in. His voice is louder than any other. "Happy birthday dear, Tianna! Happy birthday to you!"

Louis wraps an arm around me and I push him away. I can feel the eyes on us. On me. I glare at Louis, thinking he set this up, but he faces his palms to me in a surrender motion. It wasn't him. I can hate Courtney then.

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