Chapter Twelve: Forever in our Hearts

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Chapter 12.

Your point of view.

"Tianna?" Louis asks me. We were getting ready for the interview. I could actually walk, so I reluctantly agreed.

"Yeah?" I ask as I brush out my hair.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to. You can stay behind. It's your choice," he tells me.

I nod, "But I thought management wanted me to go?"

"Screw management. Your life, your choice," he says.

"I know. I trust Dani and Perrie so I think I can live with it. It's only a few hours anyway. I have to leave my babies alone sometimes," I shrug, sounding calm. I was freaking out at the thought of leaving my babies, though.

"Are you sure you wanna go?" he asks again as he pulls me to his chest.

"Yeah I'll go," I murmur as he strokes my hair. I pull away. "I love you so much," I say genuinely.

He smiles warmly. "I love you more," he insists.

"Doubt that. I love three boys equally, but that doesn't mean my love for you lessens," I tell him with my hands on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me toward him. We kiss and I get lightly pushed against the wall. Louis lifts me and lets the wall help support me as I get kissed more. His hands run along my thighs before I pull away.

"As much as I do miss that, I've gotta check on the baby," I tell him as I hear Charlie cry. He tries to hide his disappointment, only to fail. "Don't be jealous that your children are getting more attention than you," I tease, picking Charlie up to comfort him.

 Louis grins sheepishly as he takes Charlie from me. I lean on the dresser as I watch my man cradle Charlie and calm him. Charles instantly quiets and squeezes his father's finger. Louis smiles to him and is so gentle and light with his touch.

Louis really is a great father. I can tell he misses having me in his arms all the time, even though it's only been a week. We both have bags under our eyes, with all the irregular sleeping, and shifts. We don't wake up the lads too often, but I don't like waking them at all. I had drifted off into my own world, but Louis voice drifts to me.

"-you are going to grow up to be as amazing as your mother and as sassy as your father. I know for a fact you are going get good looks from somewhere, I mean- look at your parents. You are already handsome. Just wait till you're older and have girls falling all over you. Sorry for me being famous and you being part of that. You may feel a bit invaded at first, but you'll get used to it. I promise Mummy and I won't let anything happen to you or Tommy. Promise. Nothing happens to Mummy either. She's got to stay here for you guys -Hey, look! It's Uncle Harry!"

Louis was talking to Charles and I loved that. Harry had just walked by in the hall and Louis follows him with Charlie. I hear Harry laugh then talk softly to my boys. He chuckles again, and I hear him coo to Charlie softly. I smile and check on Thomas. He was fine, so I walked out into the hall and watch the cute little scene.

Harry was holding Charlie, who was holding Harry's finger as Harry talked to him. I walk up behind Harry and put a hand on each of his shoulders. I rest my chin on one of my hands. Harry turns his head, to face me.

"You've got the cutest baby boys," he smiles a happy smile.

"Thank you. You're their uncle, though. So they're yours, too," I point out. Harry's smile glows brighter as he thinks it over.

"We've gotta go!" Liam yells up the stairs. Harry's smile falters.

"You bring him downstairs and wait for us in the living room," I tell him. He nods and starts descending the stairs carefully. I love how careful these guys are with our kids. Louis checks on Tommy as I go over everything with Dani and Perrie again.

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