Chapter 26

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The buzzer went off, waking me from my tiresome nodding stemming from the numbingly intense pain that I had been doing since Mr. Davis sat me up here. It didn't take me too long for me to check back into reality, but I'll admit I longed to go back to my wandering state. At least it was less painful there. My first instinct was to jump down and feel anything but this hot surface, but I hesitated. Everything was so surreal. I can't remember if Mr. Davis told me to get down when the buzzer went off, or that he would be back when the cycle finished. The bottom of the door showed no evidence of anyone standing nearby. I saw Sarah come in earlier but she continued forward, not too sure how to process the awkwardness in the room. But there were no voices. Silence had filled the air and I found myself slowly mirroring it.

I could get down if I wanted to....but where was I to go? What would I do? Mr. Davis certainly is in no mood to see me nor was he in any mood to put up with anything else I could do wrong. I'd hate to see him anymore upset than he already was.

Just sit and wait patiently, I reminded myself over and over despite the overpowering nature of my flight senses. Mr. Davis usually is a very punctual person, and I am too...another skill fostered at the Academy I guess. Tucking my arms against my chest, I took a few deep breaths and waited with suspense for either the dryer to turn cold or for Mr. Davis to arrive. Whichever would come first, although I secretly hope the dryer is the victor.

Looking around, the small room was as plain as can be for a designated washing room. There was a dryer and washer of course, a sink to drain the water, and a few baskets laying around. Read the back of the laundry detergent! I reached behind me and grabbed the soap powder off the shelf. CAUTION: MAY IRRITATE EYES. Do not get in eyes. Do not use this package for dispensing beverages....well yeah, obviously.

Alright this isn't working. I put it back immediately and decided to just wallow in my misery. 

"Get down Naomi." Mr. Davis said a few minutes later, keeping his eyes focused on anywhere but me.

I slowly crept off, carefully making sure to not make any sudden movements. Once I was able to pull up my pants and process the contact, I was able to see Mr. Davis was in a graver state than before. He seemed lost, not sure of how to feel or where to begin his recovery. It broke my heart.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Until then, I want you to just wait in your bedroom."

"Yes sir." I said in a low whisper.

When he turned, I could see the switch clenched in his fist. Annoyingly patronizing me. I thought about ripping it from his hands and breaking it into a million pieces...but I don't dare. I couldn't imagine the reaction of Mr. Davis if I do so, nor do I want to.

"We'll be leaving for the Academy early in the morning, very early: close to six so I suggest you pack everything you need and get a good night's sleep."

I hope him telling me that was a result of his unsureness of what to say and not a hint that he has no intention of speaking to me again tonight.

"Okay I will."

"Go on." He motioned me out of the room.

A-are you going to throw it outside?" I'll admit I wanted the satisfaction of doing it myself.

He hesitated, realizing my intent for asking. "No, it was a good switch. I think I'll hold on to it." He sat it in the corner. 

I think I just coughed up my spleen. 

"Go ahead." 

"Mr. Davis?"

He turned his head to my direction, but kept his eyes on the ground.

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