Chapter 82 - Screwed up

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My eyes examined the dagger in my hand, mesmerised by it's beautiful craftsmanship it displayed. It's curved blade dangerously sharp that pointed upward into an arch, the handle was made from a hard steel edged with polished bronze encircling two round green gems, one displayed at the bottom of the handle while the other at the tip of the handle.

I span the handle around to face me, it was quite heavy for a kid like me to handle but I'll get used to its weight if I train with it daily.

The seller had said this is a Windrock dagger. A weapon mastered by air and if used properly by an air magician you can blast out air blades at your enemy however a non-air magic user uses this it's nothing but an ordinary dagger.

I swung it back around. 'It's a shame I can't master air properly or I would have been unstoppable to those pesky knights, it's pretty much useless and not worth my gold coin but since it's pretty and I can sell it for double the amount, why not'

I twirled the dagger around before sliding it back to its satchel.

I sat un top of the roof with my feet dangling down the edge of the roof as I scanned the commoner crowd of the northern district of Taivas for any new faces to scam.

'Scammed you'

'Scammed you'

'You look like you don't have anything'

'Stole from you'

'Stole from you too'

'Scammed you as well'

I mentally pointed at anyone I've done business with these past years.

A long-disappointed sigh escaped my mouth as I leaned back with my hands supporting me up right. There wasn't really anyone worth scamming here. They all lack the things I want. 'Commoners, who am I talk though I'm a peasant boy who was kicked out of the orphanage and left out in the vast world to defend for myself'

I gazed at the clouds soaring slowly above me, each one whiter than the other all in the different shapes and sizes. The sun shining down at me and keeping me warm in this spring afternoon.

The thought of the masked men from this morning came back to my mind. 'I wonder if they realised, I scammed them. Heh, what a bunch of fools' I snickered to myself mockingly.

A long-tried yawn escaped my lips. I hadn't slept well last because the rats last night were being really loud. I wonder why?

I swung my feet forward and back as I continued to stare at the clouds thinking of what to eat for dinner when I heard a familiar voice from below.

"Oi big brother Jackal" I glanced down to see the street rats, Thomas, Calvel and Derek staring up at me with curiosity. Their clothes ragged and ruined from the lack of looking after them but good enough to keep them warm. Their hair was messy and oily, their faces in gunk and one had lost a tooth.

"What are you thinking?" Calvel the short one with the stupid mind asked, his brown eyes examining me from below.

I didn't answer the little boy who was younger probably younger than me and leaned forward my hands resting upon my knees.

"Nothing Calvel but here" I flicked a gold coin towards the boys. All three divide in to catch the in coming gold that shined a reflection of light as it went down.

I watched as they continued to fight over the piece of valuable gold with an expressionless face that resembled one that didn't care or bother to react.

"Give it back! He gave it to me" Calvel squeaked.

"I'm older I should look after the money instead of someone stupid as you" Thomas argued back. They each bickered back as they fought over the small gold coin that they grovelled all over the dirt floor, creating a small dirt storm around them.

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