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Rodrick and Y/N climbed into the van, the familiar 'Löded Diper' logo spray-painted on its side. The interior smelled faintly of stale pizza and old magazines. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the neighborhood.

"Is it okay if I grab my clothes from home real quick?" Y/N asked, breaking the silence. Rodrick nodded in response, his gaze softening with concern.

"Yeah, sure. Want me to come with you?" His offer sounded considerate, with no hint of flirtation in his tone. Y/N's home life had never been easy, and Rodrick knew that. Her dad smoked, her mom cheated on him, and they both constantly fought. It was no wonder she spent most of her time at the Heffleys'.

"Um...no, I think I'll be okay. Thanks, though," Y/N replied with a grateful smile as Rodrick pulled into the y/l/n's driveway and parked the van. He watched her intently as she exited the vehicle, a sense of concern lingering in his mind.

Once she disappeared into her house, Rodrick drummed his fingers against the steering wheel, humming one of the band's songs softly to himself. Minutes passed like hours as he waited for her return. The morning seemed to come alive around him, birds chirping in the distance and the sky slowly brightening with the promise of a new day.

Finally, Y/N emerged from her house, locking the door behind her. Rodrick couldn't help but take in her appearance as she approached the van. She wore a pair of flared, patterned leggings and a simple black shirt, but she looked stunning nonetheless.

"Okay, let's get out of here before my dad wakes up," Y/N said, breaking the silence as she climbed back into the van. Rodrick nodded in agreement, quickly shifting the gear into reverse and backing out of the driveway. They were on their way to Plainview High School.

As they arrived, Y/N stepped out of the van and walked to the back, waiting for Rodrick to join her. The morning air was crisp, and the anticipation of the day ahead lingered in the atmosphere. Students bustled around, exchanging greetings and sharing excitement for the first day of school. Rodrick joined Y/N at the back of the van, a sense of camaraderie between them as they prepared to face the day together. With a shared nod of determination, they headed toward the school building,

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