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I gripped the door frame of the church with both hands and tried to gather enough strength and courage to enter a house of God. A place a creature like me dare not enter, for we will be judged for our sins. I did not fear death, but I did fear my judgment day from God and facing all the wrongs I have done in my life. I put my foot over the threshold but quickly pulled it back, shaking my head. "How about we just stay out here in the fresh air?"

"It is ok, my son." The priest said, standing just inside the church. "Just take a step."

"Father, I don't think you understand my situation here," I said in a panic. "God doesn't want creatures like me in here." I touched the devil's mark on my chest as it started to burn. "I am not welcome here."

"Do you wish to confess your sins?" He said almost too calmly. "We have all sinned."

"How much time do you?" I said nervously. "That could take a while."

"I have all the time in the world for a soul who needs help."

"Yeah, again, we might have a problem there," I said, taking a step back. "Trust me, father, you are better off just letting me go. I do not wish to burden you with my curse. God does not want me to enter, trust me." The devil's mark started to burn, and I groaned in pain.

"Those are the devil's words. He will fill your head with fear, but God is here to listen if you want to talk. He forgives you for your past and only see's your future." The priest took a step toward me, holding out his hand. "Trust in your future, not your past."

"Do I even have a future?"

"You do, and you just need a little guidance to find your light again. There is no shame in that." He gave me a slight smile. "Believe you can do this, and you shall succeed. Trust in the light inside of you. I can feel it, and it is strong. It is what led you here today. Don't let the darkness control your fear anymore." He held out his hand to me. "Believe in yourself."

I closed my eyes and nodded my head. "If I burst into flames, I apologize, father." I opened my eyes and took his hand. "Ebony, please be with me," I whispered as I stepped inside the church. "Don't leave me, sunshine," I whispered, closing my eyes, waiting for the searing pain of flames on my wicked body as I entered the house of God.

"Open your eyes, my son." I heard the voice of the priest. "God welcomes you into our home."

I opened one eye slowly and looked around. "Holy shit, I'm in a church," I said a little too loudly as the priest cleared his throat. "Sorry, father."

"It is alright." He smiled.

"Wait." I patted my chest where the devil's mark had been left, but I couldn't feel it. "Why is it not burning me?" I unbuttoned my shirt and gasped loudly as I saw the mark had now disappeared. "How is that possible?"

"Some things are welcome here, and some things are not." He pressed his hands together. "The devil is not welcome."

"Then how am I standing here?" I buttoned up my shirt.

"You are on the path of forgiveness, and God is beside you." He closed his eyes. "I can feel that you have had much suffering in your life. This is causing you much pain."

"Yes." I almost whispered. "I lost the love of my life, and I can't seem to find the strength to keep going." I felt my knees go weak. "Why would God allow her to be taken from me and given to the darkness?"

"It can feel like that when someone we love is taken from us. It feels like complete darkness."

"Why would God allow this suffering?" I almost yelled, clenching my fists. "Why would he take my sunshine and leave me without her? It should have been me."

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