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"Carter Morgan, it is truly an honor to finally meet you." Tony shook Carter's hand as we entered the dining room of the castle. "I grew up hearing stories about you from my father. He would be thrilled to know I met you."

"Well, thank you so much...I'm sorry I don't even know your name."

"Tony, I'm the king's adviser." He said, shaking his hand. "I can't believe I'm actually meeting the Morgan brothers. This is truly a dream come true."

"The pleasure is all mine, Tony," Carter said, patting his shoulder.

"Please, come in and have a seat, won't you," Tony said, pointing to the round table filled with vampires. "We have much to discuss."'

Carter shook his hand once more before greeting the other vampires at the table.

"Miss Ebony, What a lovely pleasure it is to see you again." Tony smiled. "You must be relieved to have him home again."

"I am. Nice to see you, Tony. Tell me, who are all these vampires?" I locked eyes with Leon and waved.

"That, my dear, is the vampire council. They have come to speak to us about our next step with the darkness."

"Oh." I felt their eyes go over me as they all turned to look at me simultaneously. "I think that is my cue to leave," I said nervously as I backed out of the room.

"Ebony, good evening. Is everything okay?" Henry said as I nearly backed into him.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged. "What are the council doing here?"

"Unfortunately, they are becoming involved in our hunt for the darkness. They say it's too risky for us to handle it ourselves, and I have to agree with them on this one. We are going to need all the help we can get."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Actually, there is. I left some paperwork in my room. I think it's on my bed, could you run up to my room and get it for me? I'm already running terribly late for this meeting."

"Sure, no problem at all. Your room is the one at the end of the corridor, right?"

"Yes, and thank you. I'll let the guards know you are coming back. Thank you, Ebony." He said, walking into the room and closing the door behind him.

"No problem at ...And he's gone." I turned back towards the long corridor and made my way towards Henry's bedroom.

I opened the enormous wooden door to his bedroom and smiled as his familiar scent took over my senses.

"Wow, this room is truly amazing." I gasped as I walked inside his massive room. "How big is this place, seriously?" I looked around the corner and saw an office space, a living area and to the other side was a massive bed covered in white sheets and beautiful fur blankets. "Henry, you know how to live." I smiled as I walked towards his huge bed. I saw the papers sitting on his bed and picked them up as I touched his fur blanket. "Beautiful." I smiled.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my fiancée's room?" A voice behind me made me jump, and I spun around to see a small, beautiful blonde woman standing at the door with her arms crossed over her ample chest. "Explain yourself, thief, before I call the guards and have you killed on the spot."

"Oh, you must be Henry's girlfriend? Hi, I'm Ebony. I'm Henry's friend." I held out my hand and walked towards her, but she just stared coldly and ignored my gesture.

"Oh, you are the human." She spat at me in complete disgust. "Yes, he said you would be showing up here." Her eyes trailed over my body slowly. "What does he see in you?"

Midnight CEO. To hell and back.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora