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"You want our help to what now?" Callan scoffed at Lucifer. "Not happening..."

"Oh look, It's the prodigy child." Lucifer cut Callan off. "The next cursed Morgan. Hello, there, little fella." Lucifer winked at Callan. "Look at you trying to act all grown up like your big daddy here. Tell me son, do you want to fuck the human girl over there like this dumbass does?" He laughed, looking at Jake. "Oh, that just pissed your father off. Calm down, Carter, he's not actually doing it...Yet." He winked at Callan.

"Fuck you," Callan yelled at him.

"Touched a nerve there didn't I?" Lucifer laughed.

"You want our help, yet you mock us?" Leon said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh come on now big fella, I'm just having a few laughs with the boys. It's good to laugh, mate. Especially when you aren't getting laid right, Jake?"

"Fuck you." Jake spat at him.

"I'm good, but thanks for the offer." Lucifer laughed.

"You wish I was offering it too you. I'd rather fuck a porcupine than you." Jake turned away and mumbled to himself.

"Come on, boys! Lighten up." Lucifer rolled his yellow eyes. "I can get you any girl you want. Literally, snap my fingers, and she will appear."

"We're good," Callan growled through gritted teeth.

"We'll see about that young Morgan." Lucifer stared at Callan. "Anyway, like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. I would like your assistance to capture the darkness for me."

"Why?" Leon said abruptly.

"Why? Because I want it. That's bloody why. I thought that was obvious."

"There is no way I'm giving you that kind of power without an explanation as to why." Leon shook his head. "I thought that was obvious."

"You think I'm here to negotiate with you, boy? I ask for something, and you get it. That's how this deal works. You are the bitch, and I am the one wearing the strap on my friend. You bend over when I say, and you reply with a thank you. You get the darkness, and you give it to me. intellegisne? [Do you understand?]" The voice hissed in Latin at Leon, and I watched in horror as black blood dripped from Leon's nose. "Do I need to explain myself again?" Lucifer hissed at Leon like his words were poison. Leon suddenly groaned in pain and closed his eyes as more blood fell from his nose. "The more you fight me, Morgan, the more it will hurt." Leon clenched his fists at Lucifers' words.

"He understands," Callan said before Leon could react. "Bring us back my father, and we will get you the darkness."

"No." Leon moaned.

Lucifer steadied his gaze on Leon and smiled. "You want to test me?"

"No," Callan said, standing in front of Leon. "Enough Morgan blood has been spilled. "You release my father from your contract, and we will get the darkness."

"Good boy. I like you." Lucifer smiled as Leon gasped behind him. "You will serve me well one-day baby Morgan. You get me what I want, and I will release your father back to you, and you will not hear from me again. Deal?" Lucifer leaned as far forward as the ropes would allow as he stared at Callan. "Do we have a deal?" He hissed, raising his eyebrow.

"You have a deal with me, not the boy. Leave him out of this." Leon said, wiping the blood from his nose. "The deal is with me."

Lucifer's eyes returned to Leon. "Very well, the deal is with you. You get me the darkness, and I give you back, Carter." Lucifer's eyes turned black as he stared at Leon.

Midnight CEO. To hell and back.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang