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"Sooooooo, is this a happy moment or a holy shit I fucked that up moment?" Callan said, scratching his head as I finished telling them about my deal with the devil. "I'm confused."

"It's just what's happening," I said, leaning back in the chair. "That's it."

"Can I see the mark?" Jake said, leaning forward.


"Fine." He scoffed, looking away. "Didn't want to see it anyway."

"Carter, are you sure this is the best plan?" Henry said, crossing his legs. "I mean, I understand that you made a deal and it can not be broken but what if the devil is lying? What if this is just another wild goose chase to another unknown time and place? I mean the devil is not known for his trust or loyalty."

"I know, but it's our only hope of finding her and I don't care if it means I die. I'm bringing her home to you guys. I just need you all to promise me you will look after her if something was to happen. I have no idea what she has been through or what even if she is still alive, but I will not give up until I know. If that means I die, then so be it." I shrugged.

"I won't let you die, Carter," Leon said. "I won't let any of you die for this, but I will help you in any way I can. I mean that,"

"I know." I nodded at him. "But if I have to go alone, and that is a possibility, then I must go. Promise me you will all be there to help her when she returns.."

"Of course, Boss. It's Ebony." Jacob smiled. "She's...everything to me."

"Whatever you need," Callan said.

"Thank you, boys," I said with a sigh of relief. "Go and get some sleep. The sun is about to rise, and I think you all need a good day's rest."

They just nodded at me without a word and walked out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"Are you sure about this?" Leon said with a sigh.

"No." I smiled. "But what else can go wrong right?"

"Famous last words." Leon laughed.

"Hopefully not my last." I nodded.

"What if, and this is a big what if.." he rubbed his temples. "What if Ebony is...."

"Dead?" I said looking at the ground.

Leon nodded. "What if we lose both of you because of this? I understand you need to try to rescue the woman you love, and I would be upset if you didn't, but I'm concerned that this is a trap for you. If you get caught in this world, it means certain death brother..."

"I understand that, but I couldn't live with myself, knowing that I didn't try everything I could to get her back. I made a promise to her that I would always protect her, and I intend to keep that promise. She's my girl." I shrugged.

Leon smiled. "Who would have thought a tiny human girl with attitude would change the game for Carter Morgan."

"I know." I smiled thinking of my sunshine. "Did you know I threatened to kill her the first time I met her? Well, met her again I should say."

"You did not?" Leon shook his head.

"I did. If I remember correctly, I threatened everyone she knew as well." I looked away thinking of when I met Ebony at Midnight Industries. "She was so cute and annoying. I was so nervous about seeing her again and yet I threatened her. Everything I put her through, I don't deserve her." I closed my eyes. "I owe her this and nothing less."

"Well, for whatever it's worth I want you to know I will always have your back. You and your annoying human." Leon put his hand on my shoulder. "Until the end."

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