Do You Want to Know a Secret?

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Mindlessly, Brona's feet pushed routinely on the pedals of her bike as she navigated herself around the streets of Liverpool. Her face blank of emotion as cold gusts of wind whistled past her reddening her cheeks and nose. She didn't seem to mind the cold biting away at her exposed skin.

Her tired mind was not focused on her delivery route, but on the sad business of last night.

He was all she could think about. She had spent every waking second thinking about him, and every sleeping one for that matter. Not that she got a lot of sleep though, explaining the dark bags she tried to hid with concealer and powder. She had kept replaying the events over and over in her head until she was sick to her stomach. Then when the brunette finally did fall asleep, her father needlessly woke her up at 6 forgetting that her working hours had been changed for Christmas. So she just lay in her bed, the memory of Paul lying painfully fresh in her head like a bad hangover.

How did this even happen? she thought to herself, tears of frustration blurring her vision.

"Brona! Hey, Brona!"

The familiar voice and the sharp ring of a bike bell made her snap back to reality. She gave shot a glance over her shoulder to see Siobhan dressed in her nurse uniform and pedaling quickly. Brona slowed down, allowing her friend to catch up.

"Hi, Siobhan," she said when her friend reached her side.

"Hey," Siobhan huffed, slightly out of breath. "I've been calling you for ages, couldn't you hear - are you crying?" she asked softly, a cross of confusion and concern on her face.

"What? No!" the brunette shot back, defensively. "The wind's makin' my eyes water," she added, her tone softer. "Baby on the way or home visits?"

"Home visits, thankfully," she replied smiling. "I'm too tired after last night to safely navigate my bike, never mind deliver a baby."

Brona forced a chuckle. She pursed her lips tightly. She searched her mind for things to talk about. If she felt like herself, she would have asked about the gossip at The Cavern from last night or Siobhan's plans for Christmas. But she didn't feel like herself.

Not even a little bit.

"Are you okay, Brona?"

Brona's brows furrowed. "What?" she said a little harsher than she had intended.

"Are you okay?" Siobhan pressed again, unfazed by the bitterness that Brona displayed. 

"I'm fine," she groaned. "Why do people keep asking me that? You're the fifth today."

Siobhan giggled. "Well, you don't exactly look like you're buzzing with Christmas spirit and, with it being Christmas Eve, people will generally expect you to be full of Christmas spirit, won't they?"

Brona mumbled a "suppose" under her breath. She could sense her friend's pale blue eyes search her face, looking for clues. Indications for Brona's sudden dose of sadness.

"I won't press you, but if something's the matter you can—"

"I know, I know," the brunette replied, nodding her head. She glanced over to Siobhan, resembling a little puppy who knew it had done wrong with her buttoned lips and apologetic eyes. "I'm tired and I'm stressed, that's all. I promise I'll perk up, it's Christmas after all."

Siobhan nodded, understanding. But her eyes flashed a quick warning and in a firm voice she said, "I know it's more than that, I just can't figure out what it is. I said I wouldn't press you but that won't stop George."

"You're a good friend," Brona admitted. "And I do love you, you know, in my cold and unfeeling way," she added in jest, earning a giggle. Suddenly, she pulled sharp on her breaks. "And I should have stopped three houses back."

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