You Can't Love Me and an Other One too...

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Spirits were high as everyone got ready for their night out in one of London's most top restaurants. Even John who would have been just happy to go to a curry house had also caught a bit of the excitement. The two girls were dressed in the most high class clothing that belonged to them and were ready at half six - hair and makeup complete. They were most definitely dressed to impress.

When Cyn and Brona and showed up to the hotel room ready, they blushed to see the reaction they got from the lads. But George earned a playful clip from his sister when he jokingly said that her dress was too short when in fact it went just passed her knee. All they need was the car to show up, the babysitter to come and Jane to meet them and then they could go.

Cynthia paced up and down the front area of the hotel room, waiting upon the arrival of the babysitter. She wanted to see what they were like first before she feel at ease with them before leaving them a lone with her beloved baby boy. John nearly looked as nervous as Cyn. He was leaning against the kitchen counter with Julian in his arms as his eyes followed everyone of Cyn's movements and praying she wouldn't be mad when the babysitter arrived.

While the couple were facing a bit of unease, the other four were sitting around the telly watching one of their favourite shows, I Love Lucy, and laughing really hard that they were almost in tears. It almost felt like they were back in Liverpool again, enjoying a lazy Saturday in front of the telly. A strong sense of nostalgia was in the air, but it was sweet.

"Why did they ever end the show?" Brona asked rhetorically. She knew that sadly it was because of Desi Arnaz's and Lucille Ball's divorce but besides that she saw no logic in bringing something this good to a stop.

Paul nodded his head in agreement. "I know! It was bloody brilliant!"

George sighed. "All things must end," he said sadly, earning a nod of approval from the other three.

"Well said," Ringo admitted, patting his friend's shoulder.

Silence -except the laughter- comfortably settled in among the four as they watched the black and white screen. They watched attentively as one of the most sweetest and one of the most romantic scenes of I Love Lucy came on of Lucy and Ricky dancing while he sang Cheek to Cheek.

"Aww," Brona cooed softly, her eyes lighting up. "This scene is so beautiful. They were such a lovely couple." The boys hummed in agreement.

Paul leaned closer to the brunette, who was sitting closely beside him, and whispered. "Save me a dance tonight?"

"Sure," she whispered back. "Especially if I'm Looking for Someone to Love gets played."

"Definitely," Paul said, his voice holding gravity and he sat up straight once again to watch Lucy and Ricky in awe. He couldn't help but smile brightly. He was honestly really happy he had a dance with Brona secure. His bright beam was noted by a suspicious Ringo, who'd been on Paul's trial since yesterday's occurrence.

A knock on the door stopped everything - Cyn pacing, John rocking Julian and the four laughing. John quickly followed his wife to the door, his nerves running havoc, after she said "that must be the babysitter." He knew she'd kill him. The four on the couch just watched, trying their best not to blink. John had told them everything and they knew the whole babysitter thing would be funny. Well for them, not John.

Cynthia put a smiled on her face, trying her best to be warm to the stranger. It was hard when you were a quiet girl to be friendly with the unknown. She swung the door open. "Hello- Brian?" Her eyebrows shot up in confusion and she opened the door a little more. "Is anything the matter?"

Before Brian could answer her, John intervened by stepping in front of her. He took a deep, calming breath and looked his wife straight in the eye. "Brian's babysitting."

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