Everything Looks Better in the Morning

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"My favourite part about heels, dear Cynthia," said Brona said in her mockery 'posh' accent, as they walked tiredly into the blonde's bedroom, which looked like a bomb had hit it which was the aftermath of them getting ready here. "Is takin' the bloody things off." and with that the pair of shoes were kicked of beside the bed, which Brona then threw herself onto and hugged it with her arms hanging down from each side. "I feel no pain anymore," she said dreamily as the circulation began to flow in her feet again.

Cyn chuckled at her friend's antics before her shoes joined the brunette's and she sat down on the other bed, sighing in content, and lay back on the bed she declared 'the most comfiest in the world'. "I don't know how some girls can wear them all the time."

"That's only a myth," replied the brunette, lifelessly as her bubbliness had been taken away by her fatigue. "There's no such woman in the world who could wear heels twenty four seven and why would she want to?"

"Here, um, let's get our makeup off before you fall asleep, love," Cyn suggested, knowing Brona could fall sound asleep any minute. The brunette was belly down on the single bed with her tired arms dropped down at the sides and her face was facing the wall beside her and was not visible to Cyn. All the blonde could see was the up-do her brown hair was down up in. "Brona," she called gently when she didn't get a response. "Brona!"

"No," was the brief and stubborn reply Cynthia received followed by a timid yawn that Cyn couldn’t help but giggle at.

"C'mon, you can't ruin that face for Matthew," said Cyn with a light teasing air and watched as Brona's head turned slowly in her direction, revealing a smile and a blush.

"I shouldn't have let you marry John," retorted Brona in a pretend bitter tone. "He's turned ya into a tease too."


A warm cup of tea slowly turned the dainty tips of her fingers red as Brona looked out from the sitting room window to see the sun shining down on her and on the streets that would be filled with a bunch of screaming girls anytime now. She took a sip of her much loved beverage and her mother's soft words of advice rang in her head:

"Things will look better in the morning."

Her mother, Louise, used that piece of advice for every problem that ever existed and Louise swore by it. But Brona was now beginning to doubt the truth behind her mother's words.

She was alive, which was always a plus. The sun was out after its long holiday, the sun made everything cheerier. She was in a fancy hotel. And she didn't wake up with sinus this morning, making it a good start to the day.

But no. In general her problem did not look better in the morning.

"Git," she muttered under her breath and took another sip of tea, trying to comfort herself when the tears pricked her baby blue eyes.

Brona couldn't believe that John had asked Cyn to move in with him. She was 100% happy to see them finally be a proper family and she was happier about how Cyn was going to be acknowledged. But it's what the move represented that provoked her feelings of what she could only describe as a sad sickness.

John, Paul, George and Ringo were now going to be future residents of London, it seemed. John was searching for a family place, Paul was going to move into Jane's house and George and Ringo were going to share an apartment. They wouldn't be in Liverpool much, they had moved on from there. Now John was taking away Cynthia and Julian with him, proving to Brona how everyone else was moving on with their lives and how much hers just stood still as she sat behind a counter of sweets, serving the same faces.

It was so frustrating. She could thing of a billion things to do. But they were so out of reach because of the fact she was a women and because of who her brother was. It wouldn't matter what the brunette did she'd always be referred to as a "George Harrison's Sister" and could be nothing in her own right. She had never been so negative about anything in her life.

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