It's Only Love, and that is All...But it's So Hard Loving You

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John's eyes quickly skimmed over the blue words written down on a crumpled piece of paper. He sat at the table in the living area, hunched over the page, which his hands were gripping onto. He was so absorbed in reading to the end that he nearly didn't notice Ringo saunter in. Quickly, John hid the pages out of the drummer's sight. The only flaw was that John was as subtle as a hand grenade.

"Whatcha got there?" Ringo asked out of suspicion.

John shrugged. "Nothin'."

Ringo threw him an eye roll before walking over in his direction. "C'mon John. I won't go tellin' Cyn any tales."

The younger man rolled his eyes before placing the sheets of paper back on the table. "It's nothin' to tell to 'er. It's Brona's. I found 'em on the desk in 'er room. It's a short story."

Ringo nodded, understanding why John was being secretive. John had just patched things up with Brona; he didn't want to go through it again. "Ya know you two would fight less if you stopped goin' through 'er stuff."

"Yeah." John nodded his head in agreement. "But what's the fun in that?"

Ringo chuckled. He examined his surroundings, to check if the coast was clear, before leaning in closer to John and, in a whisper, he asked, "Where's Brona?"

"Paul took 'er out to the shops," the taller man replied with a smug smile, which soon crept onto Ringo's face too. "He offered to escort 'er straight away when she said she was goin'."

"Oh Paul." Ringo shook his head as he laughed.


The high sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky as Paul and Brona walked along the shops, arm in arm, both bundled up in their warm autunm clothes, shielding from the cold that was in the sighing wind. Both were beaming brightly, having fun in each other's prescence.

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry that?" Paul asked, gesturing to the brown paper bag hanging of Brona's arm.

She smiled at his offer but shook her head. "No, thanks. It ain't heavy."

The two walked silently along the street until they reached a record shop, which Brona brought Paul into. The record store wasn't croweded. There were only five customers, browsing at the records, posters and bits, while two workers chatted behind the counter. The pair skimmed through a box of records each, giving the other a nudge when they found something good.

Brona went over to the box in front when she finished sorting through the other one. Her eyes and smile widened when she saw the record facing her.

"Oh my holy lord," Brona said with great excitement causing Paul to look up at her. She flipped the record that was in her hands around to Paul so the cover was visible to him. "The Beatles!" she squealed. "My one true love!"

Paul chuckled at her. "You know if you spent as much time tidying our house then talking about the Beatles we'd have a clean home," he teased, playing along. Paul tried to disguise his voice as best he could by adopting a posher accent by pronoucing ever letter in every word.

"Shave the 'tasche and I'll take my poster of Paul McCartney down," she said with raised eyebrows and a smirk.

Paul rubbed his chin, thoughtfully. "Hmm... my upper lip would get lonely."

"Oh. My. God." A voice said behind Brona. "You like The Beatles too?!"

Brona turned around to see two girls, who looked younger than her, with wide eyes and big smiles. The brunette returned a smile and tried her hardest not to laugh. "Of course! Who doesn't?" she replied.

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