All I Have to do...

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"… and then he stormed away, just like that, without another word. Poor Jenny was so shocked that she didn’t talk for at least twenty minutes." 

"Really Rose, you can hardly expect a girl to be chatty after her fiancé reveals that he is married to another woman."

"What a 'orrible shock," Louise commented softly. "But then I guess not everyone is as lucky in love as we have been, isn’t that true, Brona?"

Broana lifted her gaze on her sister, and bit her tongue to keep from throwing some funny but maybe a bit nasty joke at Louise’s chosen husband, smiling instead as she saw the expectant look on her sister’s face. 

"Yes," she agreed, her fingers playing with the base of her glass. "Even though I think Jenny counted 'erself as happy too before findin' out she was bein' played."

"Indeed," Rose said and they all took a sip of their drinks simultaneously. Her blue eyes became wide and bubbly as she directed a glance at her cousin. "Now, where is this God of a boyfriend you've been tellin' me about? I've been dyin' to meet the young man my cousin has been runnin' 'round with."

Brona tried out a smile. "Unfortunately, he's spendin' Christmas with his family."

The blonde pouted. "Aw what a shame! At this rate, I won't be meetin' until your weddin'."

Rose giggled and Louise joined while Brona smiled briefly and took a rather large mouthful of Baby Cham. Louise affectionately touched her arm, giving her a knowing smile.

"Don't look now," Rose began, her hands beginning to fidget with her short new haircut. "But Paul McCartney's been lookin' over our direction for an awfully long time."

Brona casually directed a look where Rose's eyes were focused. Paul, the object of Rose's sentence, stood diagonally across from them beer in hand. He was with some of his mates at the poker table, an idea of Peter's. No doubt he'd lose more than he'd gain.

When Cousin Rose had arrived at the party with the rest of her family, Louise and Brona brought her over to the quietest corner of the room so they'd be able to hear every word she said over the music and loud chatter of the guests. Rose always had the best stories, and the best cigarettes.

His hazel met hers and locked with them. She quickly turned back to her relatives, feeling a hot, awkward blush creep up her neck. She took another mouthful of her rapidly decreasing drink. It was replacing her cigarettes, which were foolishly left on her bed side table because her dress hadn't any pockets.

"I think you've had enough," Rose told her with an amused smile. "You don't want to be like Ringo!"

The three girls instantly looked in the small man's direction. George was currently trying to pry a beer at of his hands.

"Poor Ringo," Louise chuckled. "One sniff of sherry and it goes to his 'ead. It's cause of his height, I think."

"Well, I think I need a refill," said Brona, holding up her empty white wine glass.

Brona swiftly turned on her heel and headed towards the table at the other side of the room, before Rose could object. She wasn't one to drink very much thanks to the trip to Germany, but she needed something to help her get through this party. 

Upon crossing the room, she noticed from the corner of her right eye Paul sweetly smile at her and gestured to her with his hand, as if to say "stay there, I'm comin' over to talk to you". Normally, she would have obeyed, but then she saw Jackie standing near the refreshments table. Jackie had spotted her and waved at her over.

Brona hadn't a clue what do. She really wanted to talk to Paul, after practically ignoring him yesterday, but she had to prove a point to Jackie. Also, she really needed a drink to suppress her conflicted feelings. 

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