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Brona stood with Matthew outside her hotel room door as their date begun to end. He had taken her out to an ice cream parlour and then they took a walk in the nearby park. It was all very sweet in Brona's opinion.

"So..." Matthew spoke slowly, his eyes darting in every direction before meeting hers. "Is this the last time I'm going to see you before you go back to Liverpool?"

Brona smiled sadly. "Yeah, unless we meet in the lobby. When do you get back to Manchester?"

"A week after you've left," he said, frowning.

"Oh," she replied, sadly. But soon a small smile sprung onto her lips as a wave of positivity surged through her. "Well, we'll meet up when you get back. We're not that far away from each other." She reached into her handbag to get a piece of crumpled paper that had digits written on it. "This is my house number."

Matthew took it happily. "I guess there's only one thing left for us to do then," he said playfully, his blue eyes sparkling as they met hers. Slowly, he leaned closer to her, bringing his hand to her cheek. Brona shut her eyes instantly and was about to close the distance by having their lips meet, but faith didn't seem to be on their side today.

The door swung open, causing Matthew to retract his hands and scratch the back of his neck awkwardly while Brona's head turned slowly to the door, her eyes shooting daggers at the current object of her anger - John. "What are you two doin' lurkin' in the hallways? Come inside," he told them, gesturing for them to follow. "Come along."

Brona felt a murderous intention surge through her body. She really was fit to kill John. The brunette forced herself to take a deep breath in attempt to vanish the angst that was running through her veins. It seemed to have worked. She glanced up at Matthew, smiling apologetically.

"Hi, John," Matthew said with a nod of acknowledgement.

"'ello, Matthew," he replied before getting on the floor, where Julian was playing. He glanced over at Brona. "He's a nice bloke, isn't he?"

Brona nodded her head, tight-lipped. She was still vaguely irritated about John inviting them inside. Trying her best to blank out John's presence, Brona looked up at Matthew. "You said there was one thing left to do," she told him slyly, smirking slightly.

The blond's lips twitched upwards. "Ah yes," Matthew replied, smiling and taking a few steps closer to her. He placed his hands on her hips, pulling her into him, and lowered her lips to hers. But they did not meet.

"Oi! Watch the tongue in front of the innocent baby," John scolded, covering his son's eyes while glaring at the couple. Inwardly, he was laughing his arse off. It was fun to get a rise out of Brona every now and then. But his timing couldn't be more wrong.

Brona's cheeks flushed a deep pink out of embarrassment and anger. Her eyes narrow at the object of her anger and she placed her hands on her hips. "Oh yeah, like that stops you and Cyn." Before John could quip a reply, the rest of the gang came prancing in to see what all the fuss was over, much to the brunette's dismay, which she freely expressed. "Oh great... all the gang's 'ere."


"Hello, everyone," he replied, giving them a smile. He turned to Brona, an expression of apology etched upon his features. "I better be off. I'll be killed if I don't return by three."

"I know," Brona said, nodding. "Let me see you out," she added quickly, taking hold of his arm and ushering him quickly out the door.

A few minutes later, Brona returned a different girl. She wore a bright smile as she entered the room, her eyes bubbling again. She rested against the door in contempt. Her eyes flicking to the floor as she went over the last few moments in her head, dreamily. Slowly, she raised her gaze, her eyes fell on John.

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