chapter 4

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My happy sleep got disturbed by feeling someone tapping my arm...saying my name.

I stirred to other side of bed...wrapping the pillow , this time tapping became a hit, followed by loud shout... Sona!

I jerked up ...with angry face..and saw my mom even more angrier than me.


What!? Get up look at time..! Still sleeping.. how much u sleep like log?

I rubbed my eyes thinking omg may be it was past 9 but climate doesnt seem so..i was as usual thinking all these in my mind.

Hlo...where are u dreaming..she yelled again.

I saw time which is 5.30..!
"Mom..wats this.." before i ask i saw my father entering my room and sighed to mom something and then he looked at me and said " come to loving room quickly."

"Wat a dad coming to my room and talking in swift tone." Am i dreaming !? "

Come out of dreams and come out mom yelled making me realise its reality.

I went out quickly finishing my mrng routine and went to living room saw the same discussion mode of them like yesterday evng.

"Come here and sit" my grandpa said swiftly giving me a mini heart art ache...!

"Is it the world is coming to end!?" I said myself adjusting to back to back shocks.
This is first time in my life till now he called me swiftly.

"Thats it...its enough for my life..i thought feeling on cloud nine "
This is one of my bucketlist wish which i thkught will never happen in my life..but sigh it happened..!

My happiness didnt last a second also..the next words of him almost made me shock to hell.

"Get ready quickly, some one are coming to see you! " he said in blank voice leaving me in freeze.

What..wy are u looking like that..go get ready....they will be here by 7.30 priest said its good time..get ready fast he yelled.

I ran to my room unable to think of mind is absolute blank.

"Wat are they even thinking of me! Now i understood wat they are talking all the night."

I saw my mom.enetering and thought may be she will explain...!

" I have so much work to do ..just get ready in this saree...dont forget to wash your hair" ok!? She said.

I didnt reply her any..thinking she might ask me or explain or atleast pacify me or prepare me for the situation.

Get ready fast she said and she left..!

I just dont understand wats my feeling now...i am angry at everybody
...but who will even understand my feeling..i asked mom.hundered times yesterday wats issue..not even once she bothered to say me this.

Who will say this big decisoin in morning..!?

I went to room and turned on shower...unable to process any more.

I got ready in saree and came out...but my mom.stopped me.

"Dont come..we will call then u come..till then stay in your room..only..she stared telling all the do's and dont's not say anything against them and all which i paid a deaf ear.

Hearing sounds she went ...leaving me...!

After sometime my came inside and called me.
Thank god they didnt ask me to give coffee tray like movies.

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