chap 10

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Rohit got up with alarm..sound, stopping it in first attempt..saw time 1.30 am.

He got up and sat beside his dadi..for some time, then his mom came and called him for the process of holy bath.

He saw his dear frnd karthik already came to the place where event gonna happen but still in night dress..

Rohit: omg...he is if he sees me shy and all in this process....i will become his toy piece to tease, already he caught me while i am nervous..generally i dont let my emotions out..but somewhere this process is making me let out.

Rohit: "bro ...u are still sleepy...go to my room and sleep...!"

Karthik: rubbing his eyes...haa...yaar..! Wait..! I am very active..see..he showed his eyes wide open..i cant miss this moment..ok..u cant fool me.!

Rohit: shhh...

Karthik: tdy also this dog day only bro...! He said mocking at me sticking his tongue out.

Veena: rohit..come!

He nodded and went and sat along with his mom dad also sat..for process...!

Some other ladies came and aplied to 3 of them oil and haldi.

And karthik is taking pics...doing all sort of monkey acts.

Rohit: this karthik...i dont know wat and all he is doing..his smile is becoming unbearable...!

"Oh god..plz show some mercy on this poor boy" i thought!

then and then they said its finished i got up and rushed to have shower but but karthik stopped ..

"Na...naa bro! Selfie is mandatory na...
How can i miss this moment with shy rohit..!

Rohit: in this clown face!?

Karthik: waah...bro u accepted truth...see mrg enlightened you ...! He laughed loudly...and clicked selfie..!


Sona ..too got up and did the same routine as rohit...for doing fun and all she doesnt have any now except priya with whom also she share a respectable bond not funny types.

She saw her mobile still finding anju offine..she went to shower.

After some time:

He got ready in dhoti..and shirtless he should be ...his father came tied dhoti to him.

"I am ready..." he heard a loud shout and turned towards to find his idioit frnd in dark green sherwani and laughing like anything.

Rohit: Stop laughing..!

Karthik: kise can i stop seeing u like this...! uncle i thought its gonna be bore...but trust me ur rituals are so so exciting..!

I mean rohit..if babhi sees u like this...omg..and imagine if any of our clg a glimpse of this..they will become mad... Sèing u shirtless!

Seeing rohit's killing glare on him he stops ...!

Rohit: better..!

Karthik goes out lifting call....making rohit sigh..relief...uff how many more embarassing things are there..!

He sees some....staff bringing dadi to their room.

Rohit: dadi...wy u got up...still so much time is there for mrg..u rest...we will call.

Dadi: if we want just mrg we could have done register mrg rohit..this is fun...seeing every emotion and experiencing it ..i want to see u enjoyinng the process..

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