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back home. thank you for tonight.

Sounds similar to what you had me text Donny.

shut up, kingston.

Glad I could help. :)

seriously think you should sleep, though.

Will do, Doc.

Sleep well, Everleigh Meadowlark.

good night, kingston maverick.

Despite Everleigh saying good night, she spent the time she should've been sleeping studying her ass off and bent over her toilet with her fingers down her throat. (Somehow, studying ended up being the lesser of two evils but she still chose the greater over it.) Her mother was an easy person to blame for eating problems—you look so thin, she would say, scooping more roasted sweet potatoes onto Everleigh's plate, you need to eat more—but Everleigh's brain still blamed herself more.

You still ate a whole plate, her brain would say as she gagged. You didn't have to eat a piece of cake and ice cream.

Everleigh lost her train of terrible thoughts with her dinner in the bottom of the toilet bowl. Purging made Everleigh feel weak but thinking about her conversation with Maverick made her feel weaker. What the fuck was she thinking telling him all of that? He didn't need to know nor did he care enough to remember it in the morning.

Everleigh needed to find a way to see him if nothing else to get his phone back to him and crawl back into herself, never to feel another fucking thing again. She swallowed hard, nearly gagging on the taste of her vomit. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks and dribbled down her neck.

When she regained enough energy to get up, Everleigh leaned against the counter as she brushed her teeth again. Part of her wanted to call Juno or Maverick or Florence or, God, even Esmé to try and get someone to block out the shitstorm flying around in her brain with casually stupid conversation, and the other part of her wanted to crawl into a ball and never bother anyone with her presence ever again.

She spat out a mouthful of toothpaste in her sink. Gargled water until she had the thought to drown herself and promptly spat the mouthful of that out, too. Fuck, Everleigh needed some sleep. Travelling shouldn't have taken that much out of her given her career, but it always did.

Maybe she'd make up and magically be okay in the morning. Maybe she simply wouldn't wake up.

Christ, Everleigh needed to get done with med school. She couldn't handle being this beat anymore.


It had been a couple days since Everleigh's last purge. Which meant she was probably due back at her mother's considering:

One. She'd come to London to spend time with her family even though they pissed her off to no end.

Two. If she didn't, her mother would have a whole new slew of complaints about her life choices and that wasn't something she ever needed. Mainly because it was her birthday and her mother just had to give her a day all about her—whether Everleigh wanted it or not.

Everleigh hadn't meant to stay up until midnight. The anxiety of her impending exam had her wide awake almost nightly. Nights where she couldn't focus on studying and then panicked because she wasn't studying were the worst. That was one of those nights. And the main reason she'd invited an ex-boyfriend-turned-friend-with-benefits over earlier that night to alleviate and forget about some of the stress she was putting herself through. That had been okay while it lasted, but she sent him home right after.

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