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            Sorry I haven't responded in a couple days. Here's something to make up for it.


Scream queen daydream lost in a nightmare / wish you were here or I was right there / Do you think we have a chance? / Were we destined to be Derek and Sidney? / Phone calls about movies, lost in a trance / Tied up heartstrings but you undid me. It hadn't taken Everleigh long to read his writing that time, when she finally got to sit down with the song.

            sorry, things were go, go, go from the start with school this semester. i know it's been a while. i like the new lyrics. are all your songs about scream, lol?


Once again: all my new songs are about you, you bozo. <3


wow, you're pulling out all the pet names lately, dumbass. <3


Everleigh didn't expect a reply, but she hadn't not expected a reply either. Her and Maverick were equally guilty at taking too long to respond and letting the conversation drop. There wasn't anything either of them could do about it with life the way it was at that moment, but it still made Everleigh feel a little disconnected from that part of her life. It didn't help that school had started and Everleigh forgot how much she hated lower level classes. Second years thought they were hot shit because they weren't first years. Turned out they were one smack upside the head with second year homework away from being dropouts. Fuck second years.

            Everleigh was one more unnecessary question from them away from stabbing her pencil into their eye and asking them to diagnose it themselves. She wanted to be out. Graduated. But two more semesters of bullshit meant that she still had to put up with it until she was gone for good. (That was a scary thought, too.)

            With her class done, Everleigh practically sprinted to her car. It wasn't that she wanted double duty, but her scheduled flight was close enough to the end of her class that panic built in her chest. Should she have given it away? Probably. But Everleigh did need to pay rent. Which, unfortunately, meant she needed a paycheck. And that all circled back to the fact that Heathrow was far enough away she wasn't sure she'd have time to change into her uniform at the airport.

            "Fuck, fuck, fuck, hurry up." Ah, rush hour. Everleigh didn't even work a nine to five and it was still impacting her. Molasses speeds of traffic were not going to get her to her flight on time. She was turning into Maverick.

            Too many roundabouts and far too many curses later, Everleigh was in uniform—wrinkled, having been thrown on in the backseat of her car because she didn't have time to go to the employee changeroom—and hustling passengers onto a plane. She tried to ignore the fact she hadn't had time for a swipe of deodorant before a ten hour flight. Good grief. The ascot around her neck felt suffocating that day—Everleigh yanked at it like a restless bachelor three whiskies in at a wedding.

            "Welcome, passengers..." the captain started as Everleigh and a co-worker closed the door together.

            Everleigh had heard the speech enough times that it went in one ear and out the other. A melody that had once been a siren song and now it was like the magic was lost and she was never to be the same. A call from the deep didn't intrigue her anymore—she was immune.

            "Leigh," a co-worker said.


            They leaned a little closer to her, voice lowered. "Do you have a tampon?"

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