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As they rolled into July, Everleigh started her day like any other day. Grabbing something from the pantry that Maverick stocked—Everleigh was always coming home from school when the pantry magically became stocked, every single nutrition label mysteriously scribbled on or missing entirely from the packaging.

Some of it needed replenished, and Everleigh was going to do her best to go with Maverick. He was already at the door, typing away madly on his phone with Navi's papoose in his hand. Everleigh pulled his hoodie on quickly, sliding into a pair of checkered shoes.


Everleigh eyed the papoose with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not carrying you."

"Roman wants to do something with Florence and asked if we could babysit."

"Groceries are hard enough with just me."

"I'll carry her. It's fine." Maverick waved her off. Oh, to be mentally stable in a Tesco.

"You're sure?"

"It's fine. Yeah."

"You met Navster when she was asleep, though."

"Pretty sure I can take care of a baby."

"If you're bringing the baby back here after Tesco, I'm going back to bed."

"That's fine. We'll watch Peppa Pig or something," Maverick said. "Do you have Peppa Pig here?"

"Kingston, Peppa is English."

"All I'm hearing is that we're good to go."

"Your funeral."

"Navi can't be that bad."

"She's related to Roman."

"That's just mean, Everleigh."

"Mean doesn't mean untrue."

Maverick chuckled and opened the door for her, motioning to her to step out.

She stepped out of the door and waited for him to follow so she could lock it. (She needed to get a key cut for Maverick.) (Maybe she'd just steal the one Roman and Florence had.)

"I see we're doing okay." Everleigh needed to move out of the complex where her neighbours did laundry at all hours. "Take it his sitting outside helped."

"Um. Yes?" Everleigh didn't even look up from the lock on the door.

"First time I've seen you dating someone—"

"Okay, goodbye." Everleigh grabbed Maverick's hand and walked past them.

Crikey, they knew too much of her dirty laundry. While holding dirty laundry.


Maverick laughed softly as he walked behind her; not the usual reaction to being dragged, but it clearly worked for him. He wasn't the usual anyway.

Everleigh got in the driver's seat because she knew where Florence and Roman lived, though she couldn't be certain Maverick didn't. He had gone to lunch with them when she was in Vancouver, after all. (If she'd known, she would've asked Esmé to lunch.) The problem with Everleigh driving was that Maverick had full reign over her stereo. Which meant that the AUX cord he'd bought—Everleigh didn't even know her car could use an AUX cord—was plugged into his phone and playing the greatest hits of the artist Everleigh never would've thought Maverick would enjoy.

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